00 31/07/2012 20:42

Event-filled week marks end
of the Pope's official vacation

VATICAN CITY, July 31 (Translated from TMNews) - The Pope resumes tomorrow, August 1, the Wednesday General Audiences which were suspended for the month of July, his official vacation time.

Benedict XVI, who is spending the entire summer at the Apostolic Residence in Castel Gandolfo, will deliver his catechesis there instead of going by helicopter to St. Peter's Square, as he will do after August, which is typically scorching in Rome.

Then, on Friday, August 3, the Pope will attend a presentation of Bavarian folk music and dancing offered by the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who will be joined by a thousand pilgrims from Bavaria.

And on Saturday, he will be honored at a concert offered by the Caritas of Regensburg, the last German city called home by Joseph Ratzinger before be became Pope. It is also where his brother lives, and the former diocese of the new Prefect for the Doctrine pf the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Mueller.

On Sunday, August 4, the Holy Father will lead the noontime Angelus in Castel Gandolfo, broadcast direct to St. Peter's Square in Rome.