00 17/06/2009 13:38
TERESA BENEDETTA, 09.06.2009 17:52:

After Fellay-Levada meeting last Friday,
are doctrinal talks with FSSPX set to start?

The take-home message I get from Mons. Fellay's visit to the Vatican on Friday - besides it being a sign that a start has been made towards those all-important doctrinal talks - is that German bishops Mueller and Zollitsch had better take back their condemnations of planned new priestly ordinations by the FSSPX.

What could have been a better occasion to 'put Mons. Fellay in his place' if the Vatican opposed the ordinations at all? Because, surely, in the unlikely eventuality that it intended to stop the ordinations, both the Vatican and the FSSPX would have made an announcemnt to that effect - and there would have been a great big howl of protest from the FSSPX!

At last...and long overdue...

What do you say now Teresa?