00 08/11/2009 13:56

Pope begins Brescia visit

Pope Benedict arrived at the Ghedi military airbase near Brescia at 9:20 this morning under driving rain. From there, he was driven to Botticino Sera, the Brescian suburb that was served by St. Arcangelo Tadini, the workers' priest canonized by Benedict XVI last April.

He venerated the saint's remains and then, in an unexpected departure from the program, he addressed the crowd briefly before leaving the parish, calling on them to follow the saint's example and 'work so that a brotherly world may come forth in which everyone works not for himself but for others."

He thanked them for their 'warm welcome' and said "It makes me very happy to see a church that is alive and generous".

From Botticino, the Pope proceeded to the city center of Brescia for the Mass and Angelus at Piazza Paolo VI.

NB: Most of the pictures posted here of the Brescia visit come from the photogalleries of

which has been very prompt in sharing them online.
However, the photos cannot be right-clicked, so I have had to pick them up one by one by a print-screen capture, and then cropping the pictures out. Tedious work, but worth it.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 09/11/2009 10:11]