00 27/07/2017 03:08
July 26, 2017

Both aggregators posted a second set of 'above-the-fold' headlines today.


Archbishop proclaims
global warming hoax to be true

by Dave Blount
July 26, 2017

The Catholic Church is supposed to be Christian. But recently it has been taken over by progressives, who will keep the external trappings so long as they are useful, but who are hollowing out the insides and replacing the content with their own religion, moonbattery. [The first time I came across this blog site, I had to look up whether the word exists and it does - it is defined as 'leftwing lunacy', apparently a pejorative coined and disseminated on the Internet.]

The head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences has again inferred that denial of the controversial concept of manmade climate change equates to flat earth mentality.

“From the scientific point of view, the sentence that the earth is warmed by human activity is as true as the sentence: The earth is round!”
said Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.

Whether he has advanced scientific knowledge, he takes the liberal media’s word for it, or he read about Al Gore’s hoax in the Scriptures is unclear.

The archbishop has been a consistent and zealous promoter of manmade climate change as a non-negotiable Church issue, despite the status of care for the environment as a prudential matter.

Climate change ideology continues to be contested as a ploy perpetrated with manipulated data by the left to enact environmental regulations [i.e., centralized economic control] and taxes.

Even so, Archbishop Sorondo dismissed deniers of climate change in a recent Vatican Radio interview as “a small, negligible minority.”

[Obviously one cannot deny 'climate change' per se, but the catastrophism of those who vastly exaggerate 'manmade' influence on climate while completely ignoring the basic scientific fact that cosmic factors beyond man's control - starting with and especially solar activity - are the principal influences on earth's climate.]

Unlike people who aren’t swallowing the global warming hoax, Galileo Galilei really was part of a small, negligible minority. He was punished by the Roman Catholic Inquisition for believing that the earth goes around the sun.

Archbishop Sorondo is a close adviser to Pope Francis and the Chancellor of both the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. He has repeatedly welcomed pro-abortion and population control advocates to the Vatican for conferences under the pretext of the climate issue.

Far left politics posing as science posing as Christianity is not what sincere Catholics signed up for. If this keeps up, the Church will wither away — to the delight of progressives.



These rumblings have been going on for some time, but unfortunately, I can now believe that Bergoglio is very well capable and ready to slap down
Benedict XVI where it hurts most, although I hope his merciless hand will be stopped by the intercession of all the saints in heaven who grew up
in and with, and lived the Mass for the ages...

Vatican rumblings: Pope Francis aims
to scrap 'Summorum Pontificum'

by John-Henry Westen

ROME, July 26, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Sources inside the Vatican suggest that Pope Francis aims to end Pope Benedict XVI’s universal permission for priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), also known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

While the course of action would be in tune with Pope Francis’S repeatedly expressed disdain for the TLM especially among young people, there has been no open discussion of it to date.

Sources in Rome told LifeSite last week that liberal prelates inside the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith were overheard discussing a plan ascribed to the Pope to do away with Pope Benedict’s famous document that gave priests freedom to offer the ancient rite of the Mass.

Catholic traditionalists have just celebrated the tenth anniversary of the document, Summorum Pontificum. Pope Benedict XVI issued it in 2007, giving all Latin Rite priests permission to offer the TLM without seeking permission of their bishops, undoing a restriction placed on priests after the Second Vatican Council.

The motu proprio outraged liberal bishops as it stripped them of the power to forbid the TLM, as many did. Previously priests needed their bishop’s permission to offer the TLM.

Additionally, Summorum Pontificum stated that wherever a group of the faithful request the TLM, the parish priests should willingly agree to their request.

The overheard plans are nearly identical to comments from an Italian liturgist [who is quite influential in the church of Bergoglio] in an interview published by France’s La Croix earlier this month. Andrea Grillo, a lay professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum of St Anselmo in Rome, billed by La Croix as “close to the Pope,” is intimately familiar with Summorum Pontificum, because he published a book against it before the papal document was even released.

Grillo told La Croix that Francis is considering abolishing [I think the proper verb is 'abrogating', or worse, 'invalidating'] Summorum Pontificum. According to Grillo, once the Vatican erects the Society of Saint Pius X as a Personal Prelature, the Roman Rite will be preserved only within this structure. "But [Francis] will not do this as long as Benedict XVI is alive.” [Wanna bet? And how can anyone know that Bergoglio will necessarily outlive Benedict????]

The plan, as related to LifeSite, involved making an agreement with the Society of St. Pius X and, with that agreement in place, sequestering those Catholics wanting the TLM to the SSPX. For most, that would strip them of access to the TLM since there would not be nearly enough SSPX priests to service Catholics wanting the TLM worldwide.

Moreover, LifeSite’s source suggested that the plan may explain a May 20, 2017 letter by the recently ousted Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Müller. Even though Cardinal Müller wanted the FSSPX fully reconciled to help fight modernists in the Church, the May 20 letter seemed to scuttle an agreement between Pope Francis and the FSSPX which would see them get a personal prelature. The letter includes provisions long known to be completely unacceptable to the FSSPX, thus nullifying an understanding believed imminent by FSSPX leader Bishop Bernard Fellay.

The LifeSite source suggested that the May 20 letter by Muller perhaps was written because he knows what Francis was up to and wanted to avoid the plan to bury Summorum Pontificum with Pope Benedict. “It’s directed not so much against Fellay but against the agreement,” said the source. “Pope Francis was very angry that document came out from Cardinal Muller and some say that’s why he made the decision to dismiss him.”

It is really disgusting - this is all an extension of the post-Vatican II assault on the liturgy that quickly resulted in a Novus Ordo, and which have made millions of otherwise sensible and intelligent persons consider the Mass of the ages as an unspeakable horrific anathema to be extirpated from the earth once and for all, even if Summorum Pontificum does not impose it on anyone and all the fanatic Novus Ordoites can happily go to their graves without ever having to deal with the Traditional Mass at all. What does the traditional Mass take away from them but their illusion of triumphing over a mortal foe?

St. Pius V and all the communion of saints, preserve and protect this treasure of the deposit of faith!

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 29/07/2017 06:10]