00 20/06/2017 01:01

The site right now is only in Italian, though the questionnaire for young people is in four languages.

Previewing the next Bergoglian synod
In his blogpost today, Marco Tosatti says someone pointed out to him that in the questionnaire intended by the Vatican for young Catholics
between the ages of 18-29 preparatory to the 2018 Bergoglian synod on ‘The youth, faith and vocational discernment’, that in asking the
respondent to rate the top three concerns which he thinks ought to be the priorities for the Church, the alternative about the defense
of life is formulated as follows in Italian: “Una maggiore promozione e difesa della vita fin dalla nascita, which
translates as “better promotion and defense of life from birth”, which is, of course, a major error.

But it appears the Italian questionnaire is different from the one in English, where it clearly says “Major defense of life from
to its natural end”
, not ‘from birth’ as it is in the Italian. Since the site is set up to so that the only way to see the questions
is to answer the questionnaire, I had to fill out the English questionnaire as a fictitious 25-year-old person of Indian descent living in
the Barbados. Predictably, the choices for what one thinks the priorities of the Church ought to be include ‘defense of the environment’
and something on welcoming everyone, but also, surprisingly, ‘defense of the truth’.

So I hope someone will check out the questionnaires posted in French and Spanish, as I do not wish to fill out any more fictitious forms.
Most of the questions meant to elicit demographic information I answered noncommittally, deciding to be real only about questions that
have to do with the faith and my practice of it, as well as the rather extensive questioning about one’s use of social networks
and the uses/advantages one gets from them.

(I have no use for social media as such, except to access Antonio Socci and a few other Benedict-oriented Facebook sites; I do not see the point
to Twitter; and I accidentally got a Facebook account years ago because registering was my only way to get some information I needed from
a French site, and that’s been the only use I have made of it – for access to sites I am interested in checking out - which I am shown in French
even if the originals are in English, Italian or German

Tosatti notes that the way the Italian question is formulated, it would seem that the translator [This is not the first instance,
BTW, of malicious Vatican translators screwing up Vatican documents that are meant to be official]

“considers infanticide – i.e., killing babies after they are born - to be a serious social and anthropological problem, and not the widespread practice of abortion on demand which is also touted in ‘the world’ as a necessity in order to avoid over-population of the planet. Which is what the Church had been fighting all along!”

It seems incredible, but perhaps we should become used to such ideas and stop being amazed, when, after all, the Pontifical Academy for Life now counts abortion advocates among its members.

About the synodal questionnaire itself, Tosatti tells us this is how Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, its mastermind, described it to SIR:

The decision of the General Secretariat of the Bishops’ Synod to open an Internet site and publish a questionnaire for all young people, no one excluded, responds to the need to involve them as much as possible in the synodal path that the Church is taking on the theme ‘The youth, faith, and vocational discernment’.

On the one hand, the site provides them with instruments to enable their participation to be more aware and committed. On the other hand, it gives visibility to initiatives in which they themselves are the protagonists.

The site will feature information, new knowledge, experiences and initiatives. Through the questionnaire, young people will be able to have their voice heard, their sensibility and their faith, but also their doubts and criticisms, so that this may reach their pastors, as Pope Francis asked them in the letter he wrote to start the synodal process.

The questionnaire online is different from that found in the Preparatory Document – different in purpose, different in the questions asked. It is addressed directly to young people so they may be able to share their life, their desires, their fears. The questions are designed so that the respondents are thereby able to present themselves, how they see themselves and rthe world around them, how they relate to others, including in their important life decisions.
They are asked to express what they feel about religion, faith and the Church.

The final series of questions focuses attention on their online life. At the end, the respondent is asked to say something important about himself that has not been touched upon by the questionnaire.