00 26/03/2017 16:47

One of the stories I have not posted about is the most recent and still ongoing round of reports that finally - for the neth time - the FSSPX may soon be fully reconciled with the Church of Rome. Maybe it will really happen this time but until it does, i won't hold my breath. Meanwhile I do share Mundabor's views on what the FSSPX ought to do before it closes the 'deal' with Bergoglio - it would be an acid test of the latter's 'sincerity' in all this...

How the FSSPX can pave the way for
meaningul 'reconciliation' with Rome

March 23, 2017

The FSSPX seems – not for the first time – on the brink of “reconciliation”. I am assuming here that the reconciliation will be what every sensible person would insist on: complete control of assets, seminary and command structure. As I have written many times, nothing else would be acceptable.

However, there seems to be in some quarters some fear that the FSSPX may either “go native”, or become scandalously silent in front of this scandalous Pontificate because of the carrot being dangled in front of them.

Luckily, Mundabor comes to the rescue and suggests a very simple way for the SSPX to obtain both aims: reconciliation with both the Vatican and their mistrustful supporters.

The solution is a scathing attack against Amoris Laetitia and Francis’s heretical pontificate. I don’t care how they call it in sophisticated theological term. What I would like to see is that they hurt him badly.

[But Bergoglio appears to be invulnerable (the impression he gives to the public, anyway) to the worst criticism which he shrugs off like a duck shakes off water. No, they should - via Mons. Fellay - issue a position paper of their objections and reservations to this pope's offenses against the deposit of faith, some probably amounting to material if not formal heresy, not just those found in AL. Fellay has said a few harsh things before about AL, but a formal poisiton paper by the FSSPX before they seal any agreement with the Bergoglio Vatican would prove the society's bona fides, in both the literal and figurative terms - not just to their members but to the rest of the Catholic world which has the impression that the Lefebvrias are cutting Bergoglio a lot of slack for the sake of a deal they may belie e to be all but certain. Such compromise is not worthy of the FSSPX, and Mons. Lefebvrre would probably rise from the grave if he could to protest any such a cowardly sacrifice of principle. If they compromise on this, they will keep compromising on other things and end up enbdorsing this pope's heretical or near-heretical positions themselves - and what does that make of Mons. Lefebvre's lifework?]

After that, only one of two things can happen.
- The first is that Francis abandons the idea of the reconciliation. This shows that he only wanted to keep them silent as the carrot dangles in front of them. The SSPX sees the cards and wins the hand.
- The second is that Francis decides that his “mercy” dividend is still worth the attacks of the SSPX, and the reconciliation process moves on under the banner of “mercy”. The SSPX keeps intact credentials and wins the hand again.

What’s not to like? If Francis really has interest in the “mercy credentials”, he won’t mind the steamroller going over him; actually, the accusations will help him in presenting himself as meek and very, very Ghandian. If he closes the door to the SSPX then he didn’t have anything “merciful” in mind in the first place.

Can’t see what the SSPX has to lose if they – as I am sure they do – value Truth first. [Well, insh'Allah, to use a very convenient Muslim phrase, except that when I say or think it, then Allah is our God, not the Muslim god.]

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 27/03/2017 04:40]