00 14/09/2012 05:12


A journalist blogger who works out of Beirut devoted a column and about 20 photos to what he calls 'Popemania in Beirut'. Call it what you will, but in seven years of following every papal visit abroad or to Italian cities, I have never seen - through newsphotos - quite the extent and the magnitude of the welcome that Beirut has laid out for Benedict XVI. And if we didn't see this in the coverage of his previous trips abroad, it's probably because no one else had given the Pope this kind of welcome treatment before.

I thought it worthwhile to round up all the images I could (in previous trips, I had to make do with (at most) a dozen or so newsphotos of public manifestations of the Pope's image - but Beirut is positively and wonderfully blitzed with Benedict's smiling countenance on a giant scale. Enjoy....

Starting with these taken from the Muslim quarter of Beirut... The photo on the right shows the Papal banner hanging fron a multi-story building, one of many such gigaposters around Beirut.

An unexplained jarring note in the left photo is a poster of the Iranian Shiite leader Al-Sadr mixed up among the Benedict posters!

The official site for the Papal Visit has an excellent compendium of materials that provides a primer on the country and all of the aspects relevant to the visit.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 14/09/2012 05:41]