00 20/08/2012 19:59

Monday, August 20, 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Center illustrations show one of the numerous paintings inspired by Bernard's visions of Mary; and an icon of St. Benedict and St. Bernard.
ST. BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX (France, 1091-1153), Cistercian Monk, Abbot and Reformer, Theologian, Doctor of the Church
Benedict XVI dedicated his catechesis on Oct. 21, 2009, to St. Bernard
Of the many writings of this Doctor Mellifluus of the Church, Benedict XVI cited in particular a Book Bernard wrote when one of his pupils, Bernardo Pignatelli, became Pope Eugene III in 1945.

On this occasion, Bernard as his spiritual father, dedicated to his spiritual son the text De Consideratione [Five Books on Consideration] which contains teachings on how to be a good Pope. In this book, which is still appropriate reading for the Popes of all times, Bernard did not only suggest how to be a good Pope, but also expressed a profound vision of the Mystery of the Church and of the Mystery of Christ which is ultimately resolved in contemplation of the mystery of the Triune God. "The search for this God who is not yet sufficiently sought must be continued", the holy Abbot wrote, "yet it may be easier to search for him and find him in prayer rather than in discussion. So let us end the book here, but not the search" (XIV, 32: PL 182, 808) and in journeying on towards God.

Readings for today's Mass:

No bulletins from the Vatican so far.


The unforgettable prayer vigil led by Benedict XVI for some one and a half million youth of WYD 2011 at the Cuatro Vientos airfield outside Madrid - when the then 84-year-old Pope exhibited grace and humor - not to mention holding up physically - under torrential pressure, a freak storm that drenched everyone present, along with most of the hosts stored in some tents for the closing Mass the next day. When the storm subsided, and after changing into dry clothes and donning liturgical vestments, the Pope proceeded to lead the crowd in Adoration of the Eucharist, and the Benediction afterwards. Before leaving them that night, he said to them:

Dear young people we have lived an adventure together; firm in our faith in Christ we have resisted the rain! Before I go I would like to wish you all a good night. Thank you for your joy and your resistance! Thank you for the incredible example you have given. Like this night with Christ. you can always overcome life’s trials, never forget this!

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 21/08/2013 04:47]