00 14/07/2012 14:22

Ratzinger Schuelerkreis to discuss
ecumenism in annual seminar this summer

Adapted and translated from the Italian edition of

July 13, 2012

Faithful to an annual tradition that now marks its 42nd year, Benedict XVI will be reunited with his former doctoral students in the Ratzinger Schuelerkreis summer seminar to be held in Castel Gandolfo on the first week of September.

The French agency I-media reports that this year the topic for discussion will be ecumenism.

Begun in 1970 when Joseph Ratzinger was a professor of theology at the University of Regensburg, around 40 theologians, including some lay men and women, wll consider the results in the ecumenical movement in the Church since Vatican II, especially with the evangelical Christians and Anglicans.

A reference point will be the 2009 book entitled Raccogliere i frutti (Reaping the fruits) by Cardinal Waltger Kasper, as he ended his decade-long presidency of the CPontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Last year, the seminar tackled the subject of the New Evangelization.

Pictures of the 2011 Schuelerkreis seminar from their website:

Resource persons on the topic of the New Evangelization were Prof. Hanna Gerl-Falkowitz of Dresden and Otto Neubauer of the Ammanuel Institute of Vienna.

Cardinal Schoenborn of Vienna and Mons. Adoukonou of Benin, now secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, are the ranking prelates in the Schuelerkreis.

Co-editor Clemens Sedmak presents a copy of the book DAS SEELE EUROPAS (complete title in English: 'The soul of Europe: Pope Benedict and the Ruropean Identity'), containing the papers and discussions at the first Benediktakademie held in Salzburg in Sept 2010, sponsored by the Schuelerkreis Foundation and the Salburg-based International Research Center for Social and Ethical Problems. The annual seminar brings together students from various European universities to discuss the issues confronting the Old Continent today. Co-editor of the book is Fr. Stephan Horn, executive director of the Schuelerkreis.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 14/07/2012 23:24]