00 27/06/2012 18:58

Wednesday, June 27, 12th Week in Ordinary Time

Center icon: In orthodox iconography, Cyril is often paired with Athanasius (left), his great predecessor as Bishop of Alexandria.
ST. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA (Egypt, 376-444), Bishop, Theologian, Doctor of the Church
Benedict XVI devoted his catechesis on October 3, 2007, to Cyril of Alexandria
who was made a Doctor of the Church by Leo XIII and who has been called 'Pillar of Faith' and 'Seal of the Fathers' because of his staunch doctrinal orthodoxy. He grew up under an uncle, Theophilus, who was bishop of Alexandria and who took him to Constantinople where eventually, he took part in a Synod that deposed John Chrysostom as Bishop of Constantinople, in the context of an ongoing rivalry between Constantinople and Alexandria (along with Rome, Jerusalem and Antioch, they made up the premier Sees of the early Church). When Theophilus died, Cyril was elected to succeed him and served as Bishop of Alexandria for 32 years. He was responsible for closing down the churches of Novatian heretics, and for expelling anti-Christian Jews from Alexandria and confiscating their properties. His biggest conflict was with Nestorius, elected Bishop of Constantinople in 418 who affirmed that Jesus was only a vessel in whom God dwelt and therefore refused to call Mary Theotokos (or God-bearer). Cyril spearheaded a theological campaign against this heresy to affirm the traditional teaching that human and divine nature united uniquely in Jesus. Significantly, Benedict XVI chooses this quotation from a letter that Cyril wrote to Nestorius: "It is essential to explain the teaching and interpretation of the faith to the people in the most irreproachable way, and to remember that those who cause scandal even to only one of the little ones who believe in Christ will be subjected to an unbearable punishment". Benedict goes on to say that "the faith of the people is an extension of tradition and a guarantee of sound doctrine". Cyril and his supporters held the Council of Ephesus in 431 which affirmed traditional Church teaching on Christ and the Theotokos, condemned Nestorius, and exiled him. Cyril was a prolific writer who was widely read in his day. His theology was very Christ-centered and much of it carried on the ideas of his great predecessor Athanasius (285-373), not surprisingly known as the Doctor of Orthodoxy, whose great fight was against the Arian heresy.
Readings for today's Mass:


General Audience - The Holy Father reflected today on the great "Christological hymn" found in the Letter
to the Philippians (2:6-11), in which St. Paul, a prisoner for the Gospel, exhorts his hearers to "that
deep joy which is the fruit of our imitation of God’s Son, who humbled himself and took on our human nature".

IOR executives meet -
Pope watches them closely

Translated from

June 27, 2012

This morning, the Administrative Council of IOR met, currently composed of the Vice President, Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz; Carl Albert Anderson, Antonio Maria Marocco, and Manuel Soto Serrano.

Afterwards, tghey reported to the Cardinals' oversight commission presided by Secretary of Satte Cardinal tarcisio Bertone.

Both meetings were useful to share information and proposals both on the regular management of the institution, as well as to draw up the criteria of professionalism and universally recognized experience for the next IOR president.

The Holy Father is paying close attention to the current situation of IOR and has asked to be constantly informed by the Secretary of State.

Note the last line of the communique. Does it not seem to indicate that Benedict XVI is riding herd over IOR management for the first time? As if to say, "Guys, you're not just dealing with Cardinal Bertone now. I'm watching you all, him included". Perhaps the era of blind unquestioning trust in this particular co-worker has ended for the Pope. Cardinal Tauran, who's on the cardinals' oversight commission, may have told him a thing or two about IOR last Saturday.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 27/06/2012 23:41]