00 10/04/2012 20:56

See preceding page for earlier entries today, 4/10/12.

April 10, Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

ST. MADDALENA DI CANOSSA (Italy, 1774-1835),Founder, Daughters of Charity and Sons of Charity
She was a descendant of Countess Matilda of Canossa, who in the late 12th century, famously brought together Pope Gregory VII
and the German King Henry IV at her castle in central Italy. Maddalena herself was born in Verona and joined the Carmelites when
she was 15. But she left them later because she thought she could carry her apostolate for the poor better if she had no restrictions.
The rich noblewoman worked to help the poor and the sick, as well as delinquent and abandoned girls. Soon, she started taking girls
into her home, then she opened a school to provide them with practical education and religious training. She left her palatial home in
1808 to dedicate herself completely to her apostolate. This led her to found the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity dedicated
especially to the educational and spiritual needs of women. She established her congregation in several cities in Italy, and then
started the Congregation of the Sons of Charity. Eventually, the Canossians dedicated themselves to missionary activity, celebrating
150 years of missionary work in 2010. Today, some 5,000 Canossian religious are found all over the world carrying on their founder's
mission. Mother Maddalena was canonized in 1988.
Readings for today's Mass:

No bulletins from the Vatican today.
Vatican Radio reports that the Holy Father will fly into the Vatican tomorrow morning, Wednesday,
for the General Audience, and then fly back to Castel Gandolfo.

No OR today.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 10/04/2013 13:58]