00 14/12/2011 10:37

Tuesday, December 13, Third Week of Advent

ST. LUCIA (Sicily, 283-304), Virgin and Martyr
Born to a wealthy family, Lucy is said to have vowed herself to virginity,
refused to marry a man chosen by her family, and gave away her dowry
to the poor. For her staunch defense of her faith in Christ against the
prevailing society of her day, she was executed during the Diocletian
persecution. Legend has it that her eyes were gouged out before she was
put to death, an event commemorated in her images and her veneration
as the patroness of eyesight. Although little historical fact is known about
her, she is venerated as a saint by all the Christian churches, and is one
of only seven women (including Mary) mentioned in the Canon of the Mass.
Lutherans in the Scandinavian countries have a particular devotion to her.
Readings for today's Mass:

No events announced for the Holy Father today.

OR for 12/12-12/133:

The double issue has coverage of the Pope's pastoral visit to the Santa Maria delle Grazie parish and his Angelus afterwards, along with his audience with the Armenian President and his condolence for the death of US Cardinal John Patrick Foley. Other Page 1 news: The IMF and credit rating agencies are skeptical of the European plan for dealing with the financial crisis and the threatened collapse of the euro; and in Russia, President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin yield to dot the pressure of mounting public protests to launch an investigation into alleged frauds in the recent parliamentary elections, in which their party had nonetheless lost much ground.

Sorry to have been away all of Tuesday and unable to put in any work on the Forum...Fortunately, there were no major papal news stories yesterday.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 14/12/2011 13:53]