00 04/02/2011 01:11

To the new Austrian envoy,
Benedict speaks of
a common 'European house'

O3 FEB 2011 (RV) - Pope Benedict XVI today received Letters of Credence from Austria’s new Ambassador to the Holy See, Alfons Kloss.

Trained as a lawyer, Alfons Kloss is a career diplomat, and father of three children. He has served in India, Finland, Germany and Italy, as well as in key Foreign Ministry positions at home.

Pope Benedict XVI welcomed him Thursday with a ceremony at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

In his remarks to the new ambassador, the Holy Father reflected on his own fond memories of Austria, and praised Austria’s deep roots of Catholic faith, especially Marian devotion.

He also discussed the importance of religious liberty as a key to ordered liberty, and reflected on the need for family policy to be grounded in a proper understanding of the human person, saying, “Marriage and the family require the special protection of the state,” which also has a duty to protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.

Pope Benedict went on to discuss the future of Europe, saying that a “common European House” can only succeed if the continent’s Christian foundation is respected.