00 18/01/2011 15:19

Tuesday, January 18

ST. CARLO DA SEZZE (Charles of Sezze) (Italy, 1613-1670)
Lay Franciscan, Mystic, Writer
Born near Rome, the young Giancarlo dreamed of becoming a missionary to India,
inspired by the mission of Fr. Junipero Serra in the Americas. but God had other
plans for him and he ended up a lay Franciscan brother. A simple soul, he was
assigned to various priories around Rome, serving as doorman, gardener, porter.
Through it all, he served the sick and the needy by collecting alms and feeding
them. His confessors urged him to write about his spiritual life, and though
unlettered, he left many writings including his autobiography, The Grandeurs
of the Mercies of God
. It is said that at Mass one day, at the Elevation, a ray
of light struck him in the chest and left a wound on the same spot where Christ
had been pierced by a lance. After he died, the wound took on the shape of a
Cross, which was the basis for his beatification. In life, he was known for his
spiritual counsel and for miracles of healing and multiplication of food. As he
lay dying, Pope Clement IX is said to have called him to his side for counsel.
He was canonized in 1959.
Readings for today's Mass: www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml

OR today.

At the Angelus and to the members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way,
the Pope underscores the importance of mission in the life of the Church
'Mankind is one single family'
He joins the faithful in joy over the coming beatification of John Paul II
Other papal stories in this issue: The Holy Father's meeting yesterday with the director-general of UNESCO, Mme. Irina Bokova, and his address to the Pontifical Polish Institute in Rome on their 100th anniversary. Page 1 international news: Former dictator 'Baby Doc' Duvalier returns to Haiti after a 25-year exile in France; and interim Tunisian government unable to quell protest demonstrations. In the inside pages, the text of Cardinal Gianfranco Raavsi's lecture yesterday at La Sapienza University on 'Open doors between places of worship and the public square' to mark the Day of Jewish-Christian Dialog.

No events announced for the Holy Father today.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 18/01/2011 15:20]