00 20/11/2010 12:43

Saturday, November 20, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

Fourth from left: Portrait of the saint in her 80s.
ST. ROSE PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE (b France 1769, d USA 1852), Nun, Mother Superior and Missionary
Born to an aristocratic family in Grenoble, she became a Visitation nun and did charitable work for 9 years following the French Revolution. When her convent closed, she joined the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and at age 49, was sent as a missionary to the United States, where she had hoped to work with native Americans. She and her sisters set up schools in Missouri and Louisiana. She was 72 when she was finally assigned to work with an Indian tribe. Mother Duchesne was 87 when she died. She was canonized in 1988.
Readings for today's Mass:

OR today.

Benedict XVI and the College of Cardinals precede
the consistory with a day of prayer and reflection:
'The freedom of truth'
Other Page 1 news: NATO leaders meet in Lisbon and define new strategic goals in Afghanistan;
Haiti remains without adequate international assistance to combat the current cholera epidemic; and
a feature on the Poor Clares and their mission, complemented by three other articles in the inside
pages on the role of female religious orders in the Church.

The Holy Father presided at an Ordinary Public Consistory in St. Peter's Basilica to create
24 new cardinals, to whom he presented the cardinal's biretta and assigned them their
respective titular churches or diaconates in Rome.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 13/01/2011 22:30]