00 20/10/2010 14:03

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

ST. MARIA BERTILLA BOSCARDIN (Italy, 1888-1922), Nun (Sisters of St. Dorothy) and Nurse
Anna Francesca Boscardin was born to a poor peasant family in northern Italy, with a violent drunk for a father. With limited schooling and often the butt of jokes because she was simple-minded and had few talents, she joined the Sisters of St. Dorothy in Vicenza in 1904, taking the name Maria Bertilla, and was assigned to work in the kitchen, bakery and laundry, In 1907, she started training as a nurse at a children's hospital run by the sisters, where she seemed to find her true vocation. During World War I, she cared for Italian soldiers in a hospital in Treviso, staying with her patients even when the hospital was bombed, for which she was commended by local authorities. A supervisor, jealous of the nun's growing reputation, reassigned her to the hospital laundry in Vicenza. But the congregation's mother-general, hearing of this, made her supervisor of the children's ward of the hospital. She died in 1922 after suffering many years from a painful tumor. Many healing miracles were reported at her tomb. She was beatified in 1952 and canonized in 1961. Many of her former patients were present at her canonization.
Readings for today's Mass:

No papal stories in today's OR. Page 1 stories: Synodal fathers prepare their propositions for the Pope; Muslim terrorists storm Chechen Parliament and kill 3 before they themselves are killed; French President Sarkozy stands firm on his decision to raise retirement age from 60 to 62 on the sixth day of strikes and protests against his policy; international conference in Rome on Afghanistan foresees full responsibility for national security to be taken on by the Afghans themselves after 2014, wit international forces continuing to lend support.


General Audience - The Holy Father's catechesis is on St. Elizabeth of Hungary. And as expected, he names
24 bishops who will become cardinals on Nov. 20.

The Italian service of Reuters reported earlier today that a Rome review tribunal has rejected the request of the Vatican bank IOR to release 23 million euros sequestered earlier because of an alleged violation of anti-money laundering regulations by the IOR; and that it will widen its investifation to other IOR accounts in Italian banks. Fr. Federico Lombardi, Vatican press director, made this statement in response (in translation):

We have learned with amazement of the news that the review tribunal has confirmed the preventive sequestration of funds deposited by IOR in an account with Credito Artigiano. We believe that this arose from a problem of formal interpretation. The officials of IOR maintain that they will clarify the question as soon as possible with the competent offices.

This issue first came up several weeks ago, at which time IOR officials said they were confident they could clear up the question as soon as possible, but have obviously failed to do so yet. It seems, however, that the premise of the accusation is that the two questioned IOR accounts are not really IOR's at all but held in the name of a client or clients, and that Italian banking authorities insist this name or names be revealed. Obviously, the IOR comes out the 'villain' if its word is not taken that it owns the accounts and is not covering up for unnamed clients!

Despite the announcement today of new cardinals to be named, the Yahoo headline list is still dominated by the 'Vatican claims the Simpsons are Catholic' story.
OR editor Vian should realize by now how idiotic it is for the Pope's newspaper to dabble in showbiz at all! - Anything that is published in the OR is automatically considered by the secular media to be the thinking of 'the Vatican'. if not 'the Pope' himself, not of the single OR writer whose personal and idiosyncratic views his editor chooses to publish on Page 1!

The Vatican should not be encumbered with unnecessary conceits like Vian's - certainly, he has managed to draw attention to the OR which it otherwise would not have, but is this the kind of attention Vian wants? None of the pop culture pieces he has decided to play up in the OR has advanced the cause of culture one bit, because instead of serving to start any meaningful discussion, they end up merely being ridiculed. Saner minds in the Vatican should tell him this!There's a wealth of subjects in the world that the OR could better accommodate in its sparse 8 pages daily, than to use Page 1 no less for a review of a U2 concert or to claim gratuitously that a cartoon family is Catholic, to name just the last two Vian bombs.

When Benedict XVI named Vian editor in 2007, Vian himself said that he received two specific directives from the Pope: have more reporting about the Oriental churches and use more women writers. He was not told to 'make the OR hip by playing up pop culture every chance you get'! Yet, even during the current Synodal Assembly for the Middle East, there has been no appreciable emphasis on the Oriental churches in the OR content, and only two women bylines come to mind (Lucetta Scaraffia and Anna Foa). Should Vian not consider the Pope's agenda before he does his own? And should he not have a better sense of priorities?

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 23/10/2010 16:58]