00 17/10/2010 15:29

Oct. 17, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH (d 107), Bishop, Martyr, Father of the Church
Benedict XVI devoted his catechesis on March 14, 2007, to St. Ignatius
Legend says he was the infant that Jesus took into his arms in Mark 9. A convert from paganism to Christianity, he succeeded Saint Peter the Apostle as bishop of Antioch, Syria. He served during the persecution of Domitian, and in the subsequent persecution of Trajan, in his 37th year as bishop, he was ordered taken to Rome to be killed by wild animals. On the way, a journey which took months, he wrote a series of encouraging letters to the churches under his care. He was the first writer to use the term "Catholic Church'. His name is mentioned in the Canon of the Mass.
Readings for today's Mass:

OR today.

Page 1 Church news: First draft of Synodal message on Middle East presented at the assembly, and the Holy Father's audience with the President of Poland. International news on Page 1: New chill between Israel and the United States over new building permits in East Jerusalem.


Mass at St. Peter's Square to canonize six new saints. Homily.

Sunday Angelus - Before the Angelus prayer, the Holy Father had a special greeting for the various
pilgrim groups who came to Rome for the canonization rite.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 18/10/2010 05:27]