00 30/08/2010 19:07
Eieiei... sometimes this type of ignorance just makes me want to to puke!! What a joke!!

God, do I wish this dreadful trip was over already!!
As much as they (not only the Catholics) really, really this Papal visit in the UK, I'm NOT happy about this trip! AT ALL!!

I don't really think people are prepared to listen.

I was busy translating Messori's piece - I may not always agree with everything he writes, but he can be counted on to think outside the box - so I did not realize you posted a comment until I got a page change!

I think the media campaign is just going to get worse - and even perhaps unprecedented in its viciousness - between now and September 19. And thEre aren't just enough good orthodox Catholic writers to counteract these attacks which come from a variety of sources.

What I am praying for at best is that the true Catholic faithful of England, Scotland and Wales will make their presence seen, felt and heard during the visit, as Benedict XVI will, whatever he does.

And speaking of ignorance, I think much of it is willful or feigned. What else can one conclude when the former Archbishop of Catnerbury can be dolt enough to make the statements he makes - which are generally variations of the MSM themse against the Church and the Pope? Increasingly, public opinion in the West is shaped by ignoramuses - willful or otherwise - who have been steadily debasing the cultural level and ratiinal discrimination of the public whose opinions they make!

And NO!, those who dislike the Church will never listen to anything other than their own voices... If God were a mega-boombox blaring his Word into their ears, they'd smash him to smithereeens (at least they think they can) in the snap of a finger....


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 30/08/2010 21:28]