00 12/07/2010 14:37

Monday, July 12, 14th Week in Ordinary Time

I have been unable to find individual images online. hence these generic pictures.
SAINTS JOHN JONES (1530-1598) and JOHN WALL (1620-1679), Franciscans and Martyrs
Jones, who was Welsh, and Wall, who was English, both became Franciscans after years as being diocesan priests. They lived a century apart, but their biographies
were similar. Both went abroad for some time and returned to England to serve in secret during times of great anti-Catholic persecution. Both were eventually arrested,
imprisoned and executed - hanged, drawn and quartered according to the practice of those days. They are among the 40 men and women of England and Wales who
were martyred between 1535 and 1679, and were canonized together in October 1970. The Feast of the 40 Martyrs is celebrated on Oct. 25.
Readings for today's Mass:

No OR today.

The Holy Father has named Maronite missionary Antonio Chouweifaty of Lebanon as a Promoter of Justice
for the Tribunal of the Rota Romana (canonical court that adjudicates marriage annulments).

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 12/07/2010 20:18]