00 10/04/2010 02:49
The hosility of the British media is well known. The combination of German / Catholic is an irresistable target for them. Fine with me!

Surely people are influenced by their propaganda - even globally. And this game will continue for a looong time. From what I've heard the Vatican is ready to announce new global guidelines for cases of sex abuse - pretty much orientated to the US version.

The only concern I have is the effect of those attacks on a very sensitive person who has been under media attack for nearly 30 years.
His seat belt is already buckled!
What I've noticed here is a true and possibly healthy divide.
Cradle, luke warm Catholis here - true, steadfast Catholics there.
Our Churches are as full as before - some are even fuller!
Slowly, but surely, solidarity movements are taking more shape!

We need to keep our heads straight and not let ourselves be victims of their game. They are trying to achive exatly that. A victimised, confused, helpless, fearful Catholic population, boardering on paranoia.

I don't believe they will pull the Pope out of his 'bubble'! And they're quite furious at the fact that he hasn't responded to their game. The less he plays along, the more furious they will be.
He will do his thing and teach; and he will respond to them between the lines, and they won't understand.
And frankly, I don't give a da** if they do!!!

I have always felt through all this that the overwhelming manjority of Catholics - regular folk around the world - are not at all shaken in their faith or their respect and affection for the Holy Father by these media campaigns. Nor by paranoia ,unless they live in the countries where Christians are persecuted or barely tolerated - and that paranoia has nothing to do with the media campaign obviously.

It is those who are accustomed to articulating their views who are more likely to feel paranoid, but I like to think it is more a question of indignation - as we Benaddicts feel - rather than paranoia.

As for Papino, he turns 83 next week - and a more beautiful and bouncy 83 I never saw than at the last GA! I was thinking about this yesterday when Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, who will be 90 soon, announced he will be retiring from the US Supreme Court at the end of this current session. He looks and moves and think excellently for a 90-year-old, though of course, Joseph Ratzinger has a clear advantage on all counts. And my thoughts invariably go to Leo XIII who was Pope till he was 93....

In any case, our beloved Papino, Vicar of Christ on earth, has resources and graces that normal mortals do not have - including the affection and prayers of the truly faithful - so I do not doubt he will go on being his serene and joyous self, an exemplary witness to Christ, and loving father to everyone, even those who wish him harm.

I bet all his detractors foam at the mouth even more, with sulphurous steam hissing out of their ears and nostrils, and their devil's horns growing, every time they see the faithful gather in St. Peter's or in Castel Gandolfo and are even more enthusiastic than ever for him! That's the best revenge....


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 10/04/2010 15:00]