00 28/03/2010 13:54
Blog Coverage of Pope Benedict
I'm not talking about the liberal blogs, but about Fr. Z, who seems to be about ready to throw Pope Benedict under the bus over his "record" in Munich-Friesing. What record? One priest? I posted a bit on my own blog, Gregorian Rite Catholic.

And the idea that no one has brought up John Paul's record on this is nothing short of astonishing. Twenty-seven years and nearly total inaction until 2001, when all of this was transferred to the CDF under Cardinal Ratzinger. And one article puts all the inaction under the rubric that John Paul's attitude was formed by his life under communism. When the first scandals arose in the USA, Ireland, and Australia, what was his answer then? These weren't communist countries.

My big question is: why has all of this come up NOW? What is it about 2010? Surely, all of these abuse cases have been well known for many years.