00 16/03/2010 20:58

See preceding page for all the earlier posts today, 3/16/10.

Oha!!?? Cardinal Schick?!! Did I miss anything? He's 'my' Bishop after all... I think NOT!! Not the right material!

I have a better idea!!! My idea is tough and outspoken, conservative and fearless!! And he's from Regensburg!

[SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113]
[SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113] [SM=g8113]

Dear God! My mistake completely! Thanks for spotting it right away. I was using part of an AP report, and I unthinkingly typed in 'Cardinal' instead of "Bishop'. I obviously failed to 'copyread' the post carefully, too. MEA MAXIMA CULPA! Everyone needs an editor!


P.S. I hope you don't mind that I inserted my usual page-starter at the head of your post!

BTW, I wish the best for Mons. Mueller too - and I probably would feel much better if he succeeds Walter Kasper, rather than Bishop Koch from Basel. However, I do reproach both of them for something: Bishop Koch for having been hostile to Summorum Pontificum when it first came out; and Bishop Mueller for having been very harsh against the Lefebvrians for going ahead with their annual ordination in Zaitkofen last year when even the Vatican simply shrugged it off - they've been doing it every year: what was the reason for Mueller to turn on them last year?

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 16/03/2010 22:08]