00 07/01/2010 18:55

Please see preceding page for earlier posts today, 1/7/09.

Very nice!

I must say, the letter of the Priests to our Holy Father is very touching. [SM=g8431]

I'm sure it will make him very happy. He deserves every fragment of affection and happiness in this world.

[SM=g9433] [SM=g9433]

No comment on the Swiss lunatic!!! What a fruit cake!
Maybe somebody should direct her attention to a compatriot of hers - Mr. soft washed, overly arrogant and ever so politically correct Hans Küng.
It would give him a fresh opporunity to get some badly needed attention!

My favorite smiley:


Dear Heike,

I hope you don't mind that I placed my usual page starter into your post!

You are so right about that other Siwss fruitcake who has been around much longer! One had hoped aging might have made him less sour but all those grapes he's had to swallow all these years since his glory days seem to have given him a lifetime supply of acid and bile!

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 10/01/2010 10:58]