00 04/10/2018 17:33
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League in the USA, has more often than not taken the side of Pope Francis on most developments in this most anti-Catholic Pontificate. So I am puzzled by - and thankful for - what is for him, based on his pro-Bergoglio record, a seemingly gratuitous comment on the results of the most recent Pew poll on Bergoglio's popularity in the USA. This time, he stands on the side of Catholics who demand that the pope uphold traditional moral values, i.e., the veil of delusion about Bergoglio is slipping off the eyes of many Catholics.. Here is a press release from the Catholic League:

It shows US Catholics see his handling of the sex abuse crisis
as a failure to stand up for traditional moral values

October 3, 2018

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a new poll by the Pew Research Center on Pope Francis:

The pope’s popularity has taken a major hit in the U.S., and it is directly traceable to the way he has handled clergy sexual abuse. By a margin of two-to-one, Catholics give Pope Francis negative marks on this issue.

Over the last four years, those who rate the pope’s handling of sexual abuse as “excellent” or “good” has dropped from 54% to 31%; 62% now rate his performance as either “fair” or “poor.” Only 13% today believe he deserves an “excellent” rating, as compared to 36% who say he deserves a “poor” one.

Even among church-going Catholics, the pope does not fare well: the share who give him positive marks has been cut in half in just three years, dropping from 67% in 2015 to 34% in 2018. His rating among men and women is about the same.

This is not good news for Pope Francis. Surely his refusal to accede to the request by U.S. bishops, a request strongly supported by Catholics across the spectrum, to investigate how Theodore McCarrick was able to ascend the ranks of the hierarchy — is driving much of the negative perception. Unless the dossier that Rome has on McCarrick (it is said to be thick) is open to scrutiny, the optics are not likely to change.

There is one glimmer of positive news in the survey that is sure to be overlooked in many quarters. The pope’s positive rating on the issue of “standing up for traditional values” slipped dramatically from 81% among all Catholics in 2014 to 55% today; his negative numbers jumped from 15% to 35%.

What’s so good about that? It suggests that the pope’s failure to do a good job handling clergy sexual abuse is seen by Catholics as a reflection of his declining support for traditional moral values.

This matters because dissident Catholics — the ones who want the Church to change its teachings on sexuality in a more liberal fashion— find little support for their agenda among most Catholics. To put it differently, the perception that the pope is not standing up for traditional moral values (the way he is expected to) accounts for the dramatic decrease in his favorability ratings.

The logic is sound. Most homosexual priests (they are responsible for 80% of the problem) practiced restraint in the 1950s, but when the Church relaxed its guard in the 1960s and 1970s, they were given a green light to act out. Add to this the influx of homosexual seminarians during this time—driving good heterosexual men to leave—and the makings of a scandal were all but assured.

Respect for traditional moral values needs the support of everyone in the Church. Then we will see the progress that Catholics want.

For some reason, Photobucket has 'released' all my old files that they had deactivated (taken offline) last year, so that images I downloaded through them for both PAPA RATZINGER FORUM and BENEDETTO XVI FORUM are once again visible - and re-usable. They also have a reasonable pricing plan now that is far from the $400 annual fee that they wanted to charge last year when I was forced to stop using them.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 04/10/2018 20:15]