00 17/12/2017 09:14


New entries for the Clerical Bestiary
Translated from

December 16, 2017

Dear Stilumcurialisti, this bestiary is quite variegated - positively and negatively, but I an afraid more negative than positive…

Let us begin with the new Italian law on ‘end of life’. I would advise you to read the commentary by Marco Tarquinio, editor of Avvenire [the newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference now totally under the thumb of the Bergoglio-appointed CEI secretary, Mons. Galantino]. It seeks to put together two unrelated matters: the law that substantially allows murder by request in Italy, and Italian military support against slavery in Africa. Do they seem matters of equal weight to you? Not to me. The reason for putting them together in one commentary? I do not know, but malicious person that I am, I can imagine why.

The Avvenire of Mons. Galantino, obliged to speak about a law that was discussed and passed in the almost total silence of the Italian bishops, not to mention the deafening silence from the pope who is Primate of Italy, in order not to give the impression that the newspaper is finally aligning with those pain-in-the-neck pro-lifers against euthanasia, feels it must also strike out at migrantist circles. Even if it is hard to understand why Catholics should be concerned. After all, we have been told that “The spirit of Marco Pannella [longtime leader of Italy’s Radical Party who died earlier this year and who championed all the ultraliberal causes including abortion on demand, same-sex ‘marriage’ and euthanasia on demand] will help us to live in in the same direction…” by Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, speaking earlier about the euthanasia bill, now law.. Brace yourself for more of ‘the spirit of Marco Pannella’ in the future!

But if you want to rinse your mouth of the bad taste above, then read the statement by Mons. Crepaldi…

‘Bridges’ will not hold without truth
by Mons. Gianpaolo Crepaldi
Archbishop of Trieste
Translated from

December 16, 2017

On Thursday, December 14, the Italian Parliament approved the so-called DAT law which opens the way to euthanasia in a form that is even more emphatic than in other nations. During the months of discussion preceding the vote, I intervened, as bishop and as president of the Cardinal Van Thuan Observatory, along with others, such as the Centro Studi Rosario Livatino, in order to highlight the gravity of the contents of this law. Unfortunately, what prevailed was the libertarian and ultimately nihilistic ideology professed by so many members of Parliament. And so, Italy will proceed towards a dark future based on a ‘freedom’ that is extenuated and devoid of hope.

This law adds to others approved by this sad Parliament which has distanced our legislation on life and the family from the objective norms of natural moral law that are inscribed in the hearts of men, but which, too often, are obscured by big and small partisan interests and by the deformation of intelligence.

But those who have been most committed to dismantling via legislation the principles of the natural moral law – which, to the believer, is the language of the Creator – are not able to tell us how they will replace the effects of social cohesion achieved by having goals in common.

Freedom understood as self-determination, which this new law affirms and absolutizes, is unable to hold together anything, much less persons, nor can it even help the individual put himself together.

It is most concerning that in this Parliament, such negative laws can be approved in a context of remarkable indifference. I express my support for all those who mobilized with words, writings and other external manifestations in fighting for the human good.

But I must also note that many others should and could have done so. And this observation applies to the Catholic world especially. A wide swath of her components stayed away from defending values so fundamental for the dignity of individuals, fearful perhaps of creating walls instead of bridges by doing so. But bridges that are not built on the truth cannot hold.

At times like this, a sentiment of discouragement may prevail, and it is understandable. Everything in life comes at a price, and the terrible law that has been passed will produce suffering and injustice to the very flesh of persons. One has the impression that we must now commit ourselvesto reconstructing from scratch an alphabet that has been disarticulated.

At the same time, one must always remember that hstory is always open to new courses and solutions, as well as new possibilities for recovery and rescue. But humanly speaking, such recovery and rescue will not compensate for the injustices that have been provoked and experienced, but they will allow us not to conset to more of the same.

Let us not forget not just history, but also the Lord of all history. We trust in him so that we nay be ready to face new occasions which he will set before us.

Then ,there’s James Martin, the Jesuit who is the standard-bearer for the LGBT cause in the Church. This time, we cite him for having disseminated and praised blasphemous pictures spoofing Our Lady of Guadalupe on her feast day last December 12.

It must be noted that the images are supposed to represent Our Lady ‘re-imagined’ as contemporary Mexican female icons represented by the artist herself in the ‘Wonder Woman’ take-off (she actually calls this ‘Portrait of the Artist as Our Lady of Guadalupe’, a conceptual and metaphysical impossibility!) her mother (at the sewing machine), and her grandmother, and that this is what she thought she was doing:

Even if she had not given it the blasphemous title she does, the fact that in her ‘self-portrait’, Ms Lopez shows herself stomping on an angel in her triumphant lunge forward, while holding a serpent in her right hand, underscores the blasphemy. In which she completely overturns Marian symbology.


A friend from the north has written Me:

A direct experience. FoR the catechetical year of the age group in my parish that are to be confirmed during the year, we had to learn about the Holy Spirit. During our sessions to consider the Most Holy Trinity as a Unity, I realized that the children were answering the most elementary questions with absuridities. For example, what Our Lord commands in Mt 28,19 [“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”] I asked who was giving the mandate, and a child answered: “The Father’. So I made a basic questionnaire to evaluate their level of preparation. Well, a good 90-95% of these children who were to be confRimed soon replied NO to the question “Is Jesus Christ God?” It means that in effect, we are giving confirmation to pagans not Christians. Obviously, it’s because they are ignorant of the essentials of the faith.

And yet, a sacrament of God is horribly misused under the slogan that everyone seems to use these days, “Not to worry! God will provide…”. To me, that sounds like blasphemy…

AMORIS LAETITIA, and the ignorance
of those at the top of the Church hierarchy

But perhaps ignorance of the fundamentals of our faith is much more widespread than one thinks, because it also afflicts – in a way that was once unthinkable - some hierarchical levels. Consider this item:

“The famous American scholar of canon law, Edward N. Peters, laments that pastors today are quite ignorant about canon law and calls on them to study it more. He says, in fact, that distribution of the Eucharist is ‘regulated’ by Canon 915 – of course, never once mentioned in AL, nor in the interpretation of the Buenos Aires bishops, and not even in the approving letter that the pope sent them in reply. But, it follows that for as long as the revised Code of Canon Law which went into effect in 1983 remains in force and unchanged by any pontifical document, everything stays as it was before [Before AL, that is].
He continues:
“Unless Canon 915 itself is directly revoked, gutted, or neutered, it binds ministers of holy Communion to withhold that most august sacrament from, among others, divorced-and-remarried Catholics except where such couples live as brother-sister and without scandal to the community. Nothing I have seen to date, including the appearance of the pope’s and Argentine bishops’ letters in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, makes me think that Canon 915 has suffered such a fate.” He concludes by saying that further Vatican ‘seals of approval’ on AL, or on the two letters that have been upgraded to ‘authentic papal magisterium’, will not change things”.

An opinion confirmed in another letter I got recently:

Dear Mr. Tosatti:
I am M.C., a Portuguese lawyer and canonist. I write you this e-mail because of what is being said about AL 305 after that which was published in the AAS of October 2016.

It is not true that #305 has now become ‘authentic magisterium’. A pope does not have the power to elevate his personal opinions (cf AL #3 and #4) to the category of authentic magisterium. And even if he did, he could not do it by rescript [[I[as was the case with the letters exchanged on AL.]

I do not understand why no one seems to point out these elementary facts of theology and canon law… Thanks a lot. Merry Christmas!

Despite Cardinal Kasper’s recent plea that everyone should stop talking about AL, here is an opinion on that infamous ‘primacy of individual conscience’, which is the key – or one of them – to the problem of admitting anyone to the sacraments:


Let me close with the news that the diocese of Florence has sold some of its land on which a mosque will be built.

[FLORENCE, Dec. 14, 2017 (ANSA) – A new mosque will rise on land that is owned by the Diocese of Florence in the Florentine commune of Sesto Fiorentino. The news, anticipated today by the newspaper La Nazione, has been confirmed by a joint note from the Commune of Sesto, the Archidocese of Florence, the Unviersit y of Florence and the Association for the Mosques of Florence. This will therefore solve the thorny problem of finding land on which to build the Muslim place of worship because up to now, none has been available… A agreement on intent will be signed Friday under which the Archdiocese will sell the land to the Muslim community of the Province of Florence so that they can build a mosque and an Islamic cultural center. In turn, the archdiocese will purchaseland belonging to the University of Florence on which it will build a religious center.

I think this news goes hand in hand with the decision of the international Red Cross to take away the crucifix from all their premises in order nt to offend non-Christian religious sensibilities. In Belgium, many Red Cross volunteers have objected. M,I find it hard not to agree with the Hungarian Foreign Minister who said: “These measures must be considered as attempts to sweep out the civilization and culture of the continent”.


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 19/12/2017 20:54]