00 15/11/2017 17:33
A true episode that confirms how one year later, the DUBIA
are more alive, necessary and providential than ever

Translated from

nOVEMBER 15, 2017

Romana Vulneratus Curia (RVC to friends) [the pseudonym translates as ‘Wounded Roman Curia’] has written us with a true story which fills my heart with confidence. It is a story of courage and seriousness that seems to be lacking in many levels of the Church today, unfortunately, not just at the lower levels. But read the story for yourself:

Dear Dottore Tosatti – One year since the DUBIA were made public, I read the new appeal of Cardinal Burke to the Pope to establish clarity about AL.

Now I wish to recount to you and your readers a comforting event which was related to me by those who experienced it:

A parish priest in a town in Tuscany refused to grant absolution to a lady who had been divorced and civilly remarried, who however wished to be allowed to receive Communion, referring to what the pope wrote in AL.

For obvious reasons, I cannot give names, if only to protect the priest from being suspended a divinis [he would be prohibited from exercising his priestly functions], but I guarantee the truth of the story which was recounted to me by the lady’s present husband (also divorced and remarried).

The episode, which shows that there are still priests full of the true faith and of courage, is significant for two reasons:
- First, because of the couple’s social and economic importance, and therefore, influenc,e in the community (the priest knew this), and so he knew he ran the risk that his action would be brought to the attention of the bishop with the intention of creating a ‘scandal’.
- The second reason is more significant. The husband related the incident to me without any resentment or criticism of the priest. On the contrary, he confided that beyond appreciating the priest’s courage, he had concluded that the priest was probably right to refuse absolution to his wife so she could receive communion, thus demonstrating his consistency and seriousness in defending the Sacrament and wishing to keep his wife from committing sacrilege, even if this is not made clear in AL.

In effect, this good news is twofold:
- There are holy priests – we must find them and support them.
- There are sinners who are aware that they do not ultimately wish to lack respect for Our Lord and do not really trust any of these openings, welcomings, accompaniments and discernments whose ‘content’ they do not understand.

I am sure that the episode will ultimately make the couple mature in their faith. The DUBIA not only are more alive than ever, but in a way, they are also more providential than we think.