00 07/11/2017 23:52

The message from John Paul II reads:

"We shall rise in protest when the institution of marriage is abandoned to human selfishness and reduced to a temporal and conditional agreement which can be easily rescinded; and we shall proclaim the indissolubility of the marriage bond"

Remembering Cardinal Carlo Caffarra
through the streets of Rome

An advertising van that also features St John Paul II’s words
in defense of the family will be doing a weeklong run

Translated from

November 6, 2017

An advertising van will be going through the streets of Rome for a week till next Saturday to remind onlookers with a three-meter-square poster [on both sides of what is essentially a giant sandwich board mounted astride the van] of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, who died three months ago, and of the message on the family from John Paul II who had chosen Caffarra back in 1981 to set up and establish the now-‘replaced’ John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.

The initiative is promoted by three non profit pro-life organizations – ‘Vita e’ (It is life), Fede e Cultura, and Pro-Vita Onlus – which issued the ff statement: "Today we wish to remember, two months after his death, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna. Faithful servant of Christ and the Church, he was a close collaborator with John Paul II and Benedict XVI with whom he shared their concern for the family, as the image of the Holy Trinity, which God wishes to endure for the good of men.

May 13, 1981, during the celebration of Our Lady’s first apparition in Fatima in 1917, when John Paul II was almost killed by a gunman, also marked the birth of the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, to which the pope named Caffarra as its first president.

Years later, always courageously committed to the defense of life and the family against abortion, test-tube babies, ‘uterus for rent’ and other similar aberrations, Caffarra would refer to a letter written to him at the time by Sor Lucia of Fatima, who wrote: “The decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be fought over marriage and the family”.

In the last phase of his life, Caffarra fought, with his wisdom, humility and gentle firmness, for that ‘healthy doctrine’ of with the Apostle Paul wrote: a healthy doctrine that, along with genuine charity, could put an end to the profound division towards which the Catholic world is headed today. Because, as the Cardinal said in one of his last interviews, “Only a blind could deny that the Church today is in great confusion”. Thanks, Cardinal!”

And today, we have a not unsurprising sequela to the initiative…

Police interrogate one of the promoters
of the Wojtyla-Caffarra 'publicity run' through Rome

After detaining the 'publicity van yesterday at St. Peter’s Square

Translated from

November 7, 2017

After that extraordinary two-hour block imposed by the Roman police near St. Peter’s Square yesterday, a publicity van carrying ‘subversive’ words attributable to a Polish saint and with the portrait of a cleric – some call him a cardinal – from Italy’s Emilia region, one of the persons responsible for this initiative, apparently considered harmful to public security, was interrogated by the Italian state police.

The ‘interview’ at the Borgo commissariat on Piazza Cavour, was conducted in a civil and cordial manner, and lasted about 45 minutes. Present were the station commander and 4 or 5 of his men. Toni Brandi, the man they roped in, says he was first asked if he had the proper authorization for a publicity van. He immediately called one of the organizers of the initiative, whom the police asked to provide them with a copy of that authorization.

Next, the questions centered on the reasons for the publicity ‘run’: Who organized it? Who is really behind this initiative? Why was it decided to do it? Were the Vatican authorities notified about it?

Brandi responded by providing them information about the organizers, saying there was no one else behind the three associations, and that he did not think the Vatican authorities had been informed nor did he see any reason why they should have been informed.

“They asked me if I have contacts in the Vatican and I said I know Mons. Paglia and Cardinals Antonelli and Ruini. Then I reminded them that John Paul II had founded the Pontifical Aadaemy for Life and the institute in his name whose presidency he entrusted to Cardinal Caffarra – that therefore, those of us who have been fighting in defense of life, marriage and the family wished to bring together these two great personalities in commemorating the anniversary of Cardinal Caffarra’s death”.

So he was asked: Was this a campaign to ‘raise awareness’? To protest, perhaps? Or simply a commemoration? Brandi said it was not a protest at all but simply a commemoration of a great cardinal who died two months ago, and a subject dear to him and to the sainted Polish pope – to remind Romans of these two great Catholics.

“But the cardinal was from Bologna!”, they protested. “Yes, but Rome is the seat of Christianity!’, Brandi answered. The commandant said, “But the Church is not talking very much about life these days”. Brandi: “Maybe not now but the Church has always spoken vigorously in defense of life!”

“Then they asked questions about me, what do I do, how am I employed, and they made copies of all my personal documents, including business cards I use when I visit Prague They wanted the names of all my contacts, etc…. Until finally, the commandant seemed satisfied about our ‘motivations’. Still he warned me that if we were ever to post about this on our site, we should pay very careful attention to the captions and to whatever else we wrote.”

I spoke to Toni Brandi, even if yesterday, he happened to be mourning a great loss in his family, and I had to apologize for calling him. He insisted that the police functionaries were very kind, and that it was his impression (mine too) that they were forced to interrogate him as they did…

In Rome, Italy, in 2017! Who could possibly be bothered about a mobile manifesto on John Paul II and a cardinal? What joke of a country do we live in now? [Are the Italians really to blame for this kerfuffle? Or were the police just trying to do Bergoglio 'a favor'?]
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 08/11/2017 14:13]