00 17/08/2009 15:25
Re: Weakland
This man is more arrogant than I thought. But I'm now begining to wonder if he is at all mentally balanced in publishing such a book?

It is one thing being homosexual - I know some wonderful human beings who are homosexual but not perverse and exploiting - but it's something different when one grabs the money of the faithful to cover up one's escapades and then tries to redeem oneself by pointing a finger to "Rome". This is pure hypocrisy and shows clearly his refusal to acknowledge something in himself that is much worse than his particular sexual identity.

Some will say he was "brave" in coming out in this public manner (it is becoming a new vogue among clergy in other Christian denominations as well). But to try and make the Church accountable for his dishonesty is not brave at all, IMO. It is shirking his own personal responsibilities for his life.

I have to admit that the stream of priestly sexual revelations and scandals is damaging the image of the Catholic Church in the non-Catholic world to a much larger extent than most Catholics - and perhaps "Rome" itself - would care to admit. Even though we are living in sexually permissive era most "sexually liberated" people find it disgusting and incomprehensible when their own standards are
being taken up by priests in a dishonest manner.

Will there be any reaction to this biography and the displacement of funds by Weakland from "The Vatican" or the Holy See? The Maciel scandal is also continuing......

Glad I'm not Pope.

Dear Crotchet -

It would be so much easier to take if Weakland were simply mentally unbalanced! But I think he is manifesting the totally self-absorbed egocentrism of the truly selfish man: it's always and only about him. Essentially, not Christian at all!

As for the Maciel case, it's truly very stomach-churning... All those higher-ups of the LC who must have known something of the moral and financial 'anomalies" within the movement must own up. They need to start over and purge themselves of a ridiculous personality cult that 'binds' their members never to say anything against the founder or the movement itself.

The Pope is going by the book because he needs to, but at least he took the one great necessary but unpleasant step of opening the can of worms left fesering too long.


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 17/08/2009 20:04]