00 14/02/2011 20:57
How about 'Romanorum coetibus'?
Anglicans in Peru welcome
disaffected Catholics

by Father John Zuhlsdorf

Feb. 14, 2011

Remember my proposal that Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, should facilitate the creation of ordinariates for disgruntled Catholics?

Abp. Williams could issue a document responding to Benedict XVI’s Anglicanorum coetibus called, say, Romanorum coetibus, by which he would offer provisions to give a safe-haven to liberals who want to keep their large puppets and pottery, 1960s music and the ordination of women, prayer to the earthmothergoddess, etc… all without the spirit-repressing domination of masculine Rome! And they can use whatever translation they want!

O my prophetic soul. You can’t make up some things fast enough.

In The Church Times we read this, with my emphases and comments [in red] :

Peru Anglicans set up
ordinariate for RC priests

by Ed Beavan

AN “Ordinariate of Postulants” has been set up by the Diocese of Peru in the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone to host a growing number of Roman Catholic priests who are keen to join the Anglican Church. [HUZZAY! Did I get that one right?]

In contrast to the situa­tion in England, where three former bishops recently joined the Ordinariate for former Anglicans established by Rome, clerics are making the reverse journey in South America.

The Bishop of Peru, the Rt Revd William God­frey, [There's a Peruvian name.] said that, so far, about ten RC priests had joined the new group to explore the possibility of switching denominations. Some may bring con­gregations with them. [Hasta la vista.]

About half of them are from churches that have become indepen­dent from the RC Church, often because the priests have got married.

Bishop Godfrey said that he had also received requests from RC clergy in Uruguay, Ecuador, and Ar­gentina, to join the Anglican Church.

He said that it was not entirely new for Roman Catholics to make this journey, as “the Anglican Church in Latin America would not exist if it wasn’t for ex-Roman Catholics”, but priests were now leaving on a larger scale.

He said that many of these priests were looking for stability in their ministry, and that the Postulate was “some sort of body where these people can draw close to the An­glican Church and experience its liturgical and pastoral tradition and theology, [You just can't make some things up fast enough.] before taking the final step of being received. It provides a buffer zone [a... "safe-haven"?] in which we can prepare to receive them.”

Bishop Godfrey believes that some priests may have been en­couraged by Pope Benedict XVI’s positive words about Anglicanism when setting up the Or­dinar­iate, when he was “extra­ordinarily pos­itive” about the An­glican tradition. [We win that trade.]

He said that the new body was not meant to be “provocative” towards Roman Catholicism; [I don't sense the Church trembling to its foundations because of these folks.] there was in fact “a lot of respect towards the Pope” in the region.

There is no financial motivation for clerics to move to the An­glican Church, as there is no guarantee of a stipend when they join the diocese of Peru.

The diocese currently has 35 clerics, an increase from just four in the late 1990s. It has two seminaries in Lima and Arequipa. RC orders are recog­nised by Anglicans. [Yes... they would be.]

The diocese is currently working out how it will deal with bishops from indepen­dent RC churches [Ummm... if they are "independent" they aren't "Roman". Did they miss that part? But... wait... could this mean the SSPX bishops? Is Bp. Williamson in the shadows of Romanorum coetibus?] who wish to become Anglicans.


I get how you can have Anglicans in Australia. It’s a stretch, but they do use more or less the same language. But, in Peru… are they going to use Spanish? To be in communion with Canterbury? I wonder if they are not attracting people who just like to dress up as bishops and priests.

Meanwhile the Anglicans named a female bishop from Toronto to ARCIC! That’ll help. Catholics, on the other hand, appointed Prof. Janet E. Smith.

If anyone wants out, feel free to contact the Anglican bishop in Peru/

[Or the Episcopalian church in the USA. Or the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany. Or any of hundreds of established Protestant denominations - and hundreds more of those that have sprouted like forest fungi in recent decades.

Actually, the reason the Church's greatest dissenters within cannot bear to leave the Catholic Church to join any church or denomination that accomodates all their liberal desires - and almost all the non-Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches do - is the same reason they cannot obey the Church Magisterium - EGO, writ large and bold and flaming for all to see.

#1 Their dissent against the Magisterium - and the more rabid, the better - enables them to 'make a name' for themselves and guarantees them headlines everytime they speak.

And #2 - They may actually believe that each of them will be the next Martin Luther, forgetting that Luther at least had the courage to leave the Church - while they don't - and that Luther's Reformation had to take place outside the Church, not within the Church. (And just as important. that he inspired the Counter-Reformation, one of the most brilliant and spiritual eras in Church history!)

If the dissidents left the Catholic Church for any other religious affiliation, that's the end of their celebrity, however dubious. And that is why they cling on so tenaciously to a Church they really don't believe in anymore, indulging their pipe dreams of a 'Catholic Church' they would create according to their selfish desires.]

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 14/02/2011 20:59]