00 09/04/2010 13:48

Friday, April 9

ST. CASILDA DE TOLEDO (Spain, 950?-1050)
She was the daughter of the Muslim king Al-Mamun of Toledo, at the height of Moorish dominance in Spain. She is one
of the earliest saints of whom a version of the following legend is told: Casilda used to bring bread to Christian
prisoners in secret; one day, caught by her father sneaking out, he challenged her to show what she was carrying in
her basket. She did - and there were roses instead of bread. Later she fell ill with what is now believed to have been
uterine cancer; she went to the healing waters at a shrine to St. Vincent the martyr in Burgos province, where she
was baptized. She stayed on in the area living a life of solitude and penance. and was said to have lived to age 100.
Readings for today's Mass:

OR today.

No papal stories in this issue. Page 1 stories: US and Russia sign
a new nuclear-arms reduction treaty; president flees after popular
revolt in Kyrghyztan (a former Soviet republic), but US airbase and
supply line to Afghanistan remains open; in Thailand, anti-government
demonstrations spread; Knights of Columbus president Carl Anderson
'brings St Paul to Davos' international economic forum with his book
on 'The Civilization of Love' based on Catholic social doctrine. In the
inside pages, Venerable Cardinal Newman's speech when he was
named a Cardinal and a story on the Oratory in his honor in Birmingham.

No events scheduled for the Holy Father today.