00 01/03/2010 13:46

Monday, March 1

ST. DAVID OF WALES [DEWI SANT, in Welsh] (Wales, 500-589)
Abbot, Bishop, Patron Saint of Wales
He was thought to be the son of a Welsh king who became a priest and soon gained fame as a teacher
and preacher, in a region that was often prey to barbaric invasions and surrounded by pagan lands.
He led a community of monks who followed a very ascetic rule of work and prayer, and were reputed
to live on nothing but bread, herbs and water. Legend has it that once, he was preaching to a large
crowd who were unable to see him, until a dove came to pluck him by the shoulder to raise him even
as the ground rose below him so everyone could see him. At one point, he traveled to Jerusalem where
the Patriarch consecrated him an archbishop. But he lived most of his life in Wales where he founded
many monasteries and lived to an advanced age. In the 11th century, a hagiography called Book of
David appeared supporting the local Welsh veneration of him. Indeed, he was canonized in 1120, the
only Welsh saint so far. Today there are more than 50 churches in Wales named for St. David. He is
buried at the church named for him in southwestern Wales where he founded his main monastery.
Readings for today's Mass: www.usccb.org/nab/readings/030110.shtml

No OR today.


The Holy Father met today with

- Bishops of Uganda on ad-limina visit

- Mons. Julián Barrio Barrio, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and his delegation.
The shrine of St. James (Santiago) in Compostela is observing a Jacobean Jubilee this year,
as it does on years when the saint's feast day falls on a Sunday, which happens 14 times
in every century.

The Pope's prayer
intentions for March 2010

General intention:
"That the world economy may be managed according to the principles of justice and equity,
taking account of the real needs of peoples, especially the poorest.”

Mission intention:
“That the Churches in Africa may be signs and instruments of reconciliation and justice
in every part of that continent.”

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 02/03/2010 16:21]