00 15/01/2010 14:44
I am puzzled by his title, 'Le Pape sans passion?' [which translates either as 'The Pope without passion?' or 'The dispassionate Pope?', but I think the latter carries the sense better and is more idiomatic], since the blog turns out to be about something else - he starts out disputing a black-or-white view of Benedict XVI but ends up scrutinizing how Italian media report on the Pope and the Vatican, without getting back to his premise!

Hi Teresa

I read the article. The title is hard to translate. Here the meaning is
Could we talk about the pope without passion !

Dear Flo -

Of course, you are right! At 3 o'clock in the morning, when I translated it, I was stuck in a one-track thinking mode with the Pope as the subject rather than the object! Of course, that is the sense of the title, and I will make the necessary change to 'Discussing the Pope dispassionately', allowing for an alliterative opportunity!

Thank you!


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 15/01/2010 16:54]