00 08/07/2017 22:30

Now that I have some graphics capability again, let me just update the few most recent photos available of our beloved Benedict:


INSIDE THE VATICAN editor Robert Moynihan has a 15-minute reunion with the Emeritus Pope whom he interviewed multiple times when he was a cardinal. I still do not have the English original of Mr. Moynihan's letter describing the occasion, so I will re-translate from Beatrice's French translation of it.


Benedict XVI receives the Abbe Maroun Chidiac, Superior General of the Maronite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No other information is available.


Pope Francis brings his five new cardinals to meet the Emeritus Pope.
It seems the pope thinks a visit with the Emeritus - if he declines to attend the consistory in St. Peter's Basilica, as he has during the last two cardinal-making consistories - will confer Benedict's 'seal of approval' on his choices. It's not the Emeritus Pope's place to do that, but he does give his blessing to them all, and parting words to remember him by.

P.S. I recently came across this unexpected news item about a small new book published last April on the occasion of Benedict XVI’s 90th birthday.

A book for the Emeritus Pope’s 90th birthday
recalls a lecture/public discussion in Oct 2004

Translated from
April 29, 2017

Fresh off the presses is a book by Joseph Ratzinger/His Holiness Benedict XVI, Emeritus Pope, entitled “Religioni, fede, verità e tolleranza” (Religion, faith, truth and tolerance) (publ Solfanelli, Chieti, 2017), edited by Michelangelo De Donà, a journalist who teaches at the Università degli Studi di Pavia.

Then Cardinal Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, came to give a lecture at the Centro Papa Luciani in San Giustina, Belluno (northern Italy) in October 2004, almost exactly six months from the day he would be elected Pope.

He spoke on the theme of inter-religious dialog, pointing out that “the question of the encounter between cultures and religions has become an urgent issue”.

Thus on Oct. 16, 2004, a packed audience welcomed the illustrious guest who impressed everyone with his simplicity, affability and accessibility, especially afterwards when he directly answered questions from the audience without any filters. The interesting discussion can be followed by the reader in these pages.

Besides the theme of his lecture, he spoke about Europe and Christianity, of education, ethics, the role of the laity in the Church, the challenge from evangelical denominations, tolerance, and religious symbols. And of course, he gave his own personal testimonial and recollection of John Paul I, Papa Luciani, for whom the center is named.

A hot new topic at the time was Turkey’s application to join the European Union. The cardinal said that it was his personal opinion – but not that of the Holy See – that since Turkey represents a different cultural world, her ‘entry’ into the European Union would be anti-historical. But he said collaboration between the EU and Turkey should continue because Turkey represents an important link to the Muslim world.

De Dona said that for many years, it had been the intention to publish a transcript of the material from the 2004 event, but it was only recently possible to compile all the audio tape recordings, film clips, news stories and photographs. The material also includes the homily given by the cardinal at the cathedral of Belluno on October 17, 2004. Once they had the authorization of the Emeritus Pope for publishing the material, they proceeded to print the 58-page booklet in time for the Holy Father’s 90th birthday.

But De Dona also pointed out that there are other related anniversaries in 2017 - such as the 40th anniversary of Joseph Ratzinger’s appointment as Arcbishop of Munich-Freising and his elevation to cardinal, as well as the 30th anniversary of the Centro Papa Luciani. (2018 will be the 40th anniversary of Papa Luciani’s 33-day Pontificate.)
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 10/07/2017 03:19]