00 08/07/2017 08:57
July 7, 2017 headlines


BREAKING: Charlie Gard will get another chance in court, remains on life support
Who's next to lose Vatican job?
Does Francis Plan to Abolish Summorum Pontificum?
Deadline nears for pope's ultimatum for Nigeria diocese
Father Antonio Spadaro: 'The canvas is a fabric of society'
Parish Publicizes Same-sex Marriage of Its Council Member
Prayers: Yet Another Priest Murdered in Mexico, 18 in Last Six Years
Abp. Delpini: 'I'm inadequate, I need help, I will listen to everyone'
Cardinal Farrell: Time to implement Vatican II's teaching on the laity
Mental health and sinfulness - the Church urgently needs clear teaching

Permission for Divorce and the Catholic Lawyer's Dilemma


Pope Benedict’s Great Restoration
Fr Z on priests not permitted to say the Ancient Mass: Decide whether or not this is a hill you would like to die on. A bishop can crucify a priest in a thousand creative ways.
Unfit to be president of the United States! - NCR Rages about Trump in Poland.
The Vatican Discovers New Paintings by Raphael Hidden in Plain Sight—Right on Its Walls
Report: Woman aborts her baby at Planned Parenthood and herself later same day
After waves of corrupt, depraved, pro-death reports, FrancisVatican proposes experimental treatment for Charlie Gard!
Francis Offers Vatican Passport To Little Charlie
Charlie Gard's life back in court as hospital considers new evidence provided worldwide

SuperDicastery FrancisCardinal Farrell: Time to implement Vatican II’s teaching on the laity
New FrancisBishop Delpini of Milan: "The gift I would like to ask for this diocese and our society is joy"
Abp. Chaput to Vatican Gay Spox Fr. Martin: "Jesus didn’t come to affirm us in our sins and destructive behaviors"
....Corrispondenza Romano: Man Francis called 'exemplary servant of the Gospel', late Fr. L. Milani, notorious "faggot and a heretic"
....Francis: When we sin, tell Jesus, "Love me for who I am"?


The big bold headline comes from a GTV newslet based on Massimo Franco's article which I translated in the previous post...

Here's the item on Charlie Gard

London hospital seeks another
court hearing in Charlie Gard case


London, England, Jul 7, 2017(CNA/EWTN News).- Great Ormond Street Hospital in London is applying for a new hearing with the high court after new evidence suggests the critically ill baby could benefit from an experimental treatment.

The decision comes after a team of seven international medical experts alerted the hospital that fresh, unpublished data suggested that an experimental drug could improve Charlie’s brain condition.

One of the signatories of the letter is a researcher and neurologist with the Vatican-owned Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome, which offered to transfer Charlie to their facilities earlier this week. Great Ormond Hospital said they denied the transfer for legal reasons.

“Two international hospitals and their researchers have communicated to us as late as the last 24 hours that they have fresh evidence about their proposed experimental treatment,” a hospital spokesman said, according to the BBC.

“We believe, in common with Charlie’s parents, it is right to explore this evidence,” they said.

“Great Ormond Street Hospital is giving the High Court the opportunity to objectively assess the claims of fresh evidence…It will be for the High Court to make its judgment on the facts,” they said.

Charlie has been diagnosed with mitochondrial depletion syndrome, a rare genetic disease thought to affect just 16 children in the world. The disease causes progressive muscle weakness and can cause death in the first year of life.

Charlie’s case has caught international attention for the various legal battles that his parents, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, have fought in an attempt to save their son’s life.

The current decision of the hospital to apply for the appeal comes as a surprise after Charlie’s parents were denied their request by the High Court to take Charlie to a hospital in the United States to seek experimental treatment, even after they had raised over $1 million to take him there. Charlie’s parents were also denied their request to take their son home to die.

Charlie’s case will be heard by Justice Francis on Monday at 2 p.m. local time (9 a.m. Eastern) according to a High Court listing.

Antonio Socci, relaying the news, commented on Facebook: "So everyone who stood with Charlie's parents from the start was right!"

And here's the item on the 'new' Raphaels:
Vatican discovers new paintings by Raphael
previously attributed to his pupils

by Henri Neuendorff
July 6, 2017

It’s not every day that you find a new Raphael lying around, but such is life in the Vatican. Experts have discovered that Italian Renaissance master paragon Raphael had a key role in painting the Room of Constantine in the papal apartments ['the papal apartments' include all the rooms in the Apostolic Palace used for papal functions, while the papal apartment itself, where the popes used to reside before this pope, is a simple suite of unadorned rooms adapted periodically to each occupant] after a restoration yielded clear evidence of the master’s hand.

Room of Constantine, Vatican Apostolic Palace.

It was previously thought that the magnificent reception room was painted by the artist’s workshop after the Raphael sketched in general outlines, as the artist was thought to have died before its completion. Not so, Vatican conservators now believe.

Citing a YouTube video posted by the Vatican’s press office, the Italian newspaper La Stampa reported that the allegorical female figures of the virtues of friendship and justice are indeed the work of Raphael.

Allegory of Justice, by Raphael

“By analyzing the painting, we realized that it is certainly by the great master Raphael,” restorer Fabio Piacentini said. “He painted in oil on the wall, which is a really special technique. The cleaning and removal of centuries of previous restorations revealed the typical pictorial features of the master.”

Arnold Nesselrath, art historian and head of technical and scientific research at the Vatican Museums, added, “We know from 16th-century sources that Raphael painted two figures in this room as tests in the oil technique before he died. According to the sources, these two oil painted figures are of a much higher quality than the ones around them.”

“Raphael was a great adventurer in painting and was always trying something different,” he explained. “When he understood how something worked, he sought a fresh challenge. And so, when he arrived in the largest room, he decided to paint it in oil, but he managed to paint only two figures, and his students continued in the traditional method, leaving only these two figures as autographs of the master.”

In 1509, Raphael was commissioned to paint four rooms in the Apostolic Palace, now known as the Raphael Rooms. The Room of Constantine — the largest — depicts four episodes of the life of the first Roman emperor to recognize the Christian faith and grant freedom of worship. The paintings depict the defeat of paganism and the triumph of the Christian religion.

Two chalk drawings by the Italian Renaissance master have sold for $48 million (at Christie’s London in 2009) and $47.8 million (at Sotheby’s London in 2012), according to the artnet Price Database.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 09/07/2017 01:19]