00 07/07/2017 18:15

Perhaps not at all unexpected... but now more than ever,
let us storm heaven with prayers against this pope's horrific intentions ...

Does this pope plan to
abolish'Summorum Pontificum'?

But 'not until after Benedict XVI dies'

July 7, 2017

The modernist lay liturgist Andrea Grillo who is close to Pope Francis, told the French newspaper La Croix that Francis is considering abolishing Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum that allows all priests to celebrate the Roman Rite.

[This Grillo person has become more odious and obnoxious even than James Martin, Austin Ivereigh or Antonio Spadaro! What exactly is meant by 'abolishing' Summorum Pontificum'? It is a papal legislation motu proprio, which, as legislation, can technically be amended, abrogated or superseded. With all his powers, Bergoglio cannot legitimately decree that the usus antiquior of the Roman rite is henceforth 'abolished', never ever again to be used, but he can abrogate the key facultative provision of SP, which is to allow every priest to say the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, which means he will have to prohibit celebration of the EF at all except, if Grillo is right, only by the FSSPX when and if they do get a Personal Prelature. Any way I look at it, I can only describe this all as diabolical. Much has been written by Catholic commentators eminently qualified to say so about how the devil truly abominates the traditional Mass for the obvious reasons. Ergo, by extension...]

According to Grillo, once the Vatican erects the Society of Saint Pius X as a Personal Prelature, the Roman Rite will be preserved only within this structure. "But [Francis] will not do this as long as Benedict XVI is alive". [What difference will it make? If he already makes known his intention now, that's just as horrible a slap in the face of his predecessor! At times like this, I am sorely tempted to say EVIL is now spelled BERGOGLIO!]

Grillo also knows, that Francis plans to start a cycle on the liturgy during his Wednesday Audiences, in order to promote his liturgical views. [OMG! Betcha, however, he will be as calculatedly ambiguous as in AL so as not to be caught in any 'heretical' trap. But why does he have to worry about heresy since by many of his actions and words, he is already a self-declared apostate?]

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 08/07/2017 23:01]