00 19/04/2017 15:46
April 19, 2017 headlines



Caudillo Bergoglio's chutzpah [unmitigated effrontery] knows no limits, it seems...

Who knew? Pope can forbid
foreigner from visiting Rome

April 19, 2017

Ever since the Porta Pia fell, in 1870, and Rome became the capital of a newly united Italy, no Pope has ever again claimed the right to forbid anyone from coming to Rome. The city is not owned by the Pope, after all, and the temporal power of the papacy has, since 1929, been reduced to the very small limits of Vatican City and a few additional buildings in the region.

Alas, that was before Caudillismo had reached the City! If only John Paul II and Benedict XVI had known about this extra-muros absolute power of the Pope. El Caudillo Jorge knows better: who cares about law and rights, if he hates you, he can just order you out, muchacho!

It's what happened to the former head of the Knights of Malta, Fra Matthew Festing -- first forced by the Pope to resign, now ordered (!!!!!) not to come to Rome during the time of the Election of his own successor!

Vatican orders Matthew Festing
not to come to Rome for
Order of Malta election

Some Knights say move is designed to keep Fra' Festing from
having any influence in the election of a new Grand Master

April 18, 2017

In a surprising move, Pope Francis’s special delegate to the Order of Malta has instructed Fra’ Matthew Festing, the Order’s former Grand Master, not to travel to Rome for the election of his successor.

In a letter dated April 15, Archbishop Angelo Becciu said that many of the Order had “expressed their wish” that Fra’ Festing not travel to Rome for the election on April 29 as they felt his presence would “reopen wounds” and prevent a return to harmony following the dispute earlier this year regarding the dismissal and later reinstatement of Albrecht von Boeselager as Grand Chancellor.

The archbishop said he had “shared the decision with the Holy Father” and that he [Festing] should therefore forego his trip to Rome “as an act of obedience.”

The news is surprising as sources inside the Order say Fra’ Festing, who the Pope asked to resign in January, remains very popular within the Order and could even be re-elected. The Pope has also [reportedly] said he would accept his re-election. [Obviously that was a calculated pre-emptive PR ploy.]

They claim this move is therefore an attempt by some who wish to take the Order in a distinctly new direction to keep Fra’ Festing from having any influence in the upcoming election.

Interdict on Festing:
The pope forbids him to set foot
in Rome for Order of Malta election

April 18, 2017

For April 29, a meeting has been scheduled in Rome of the full Council of State of Professed Knights, the organ that according to statute will proceed with the election of the new Grand Master of the Order of Malta.

As is known, the previous Grand Master, Fra' Matthew Festing of England, delivered his resignation on January 24 into the hands of Pope Francis, in obedience to his command.

Since then, the supreme authority of the Order has been represented, in the capacity of interim lieutenant, by Grand Commander Fra' Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein.

On February 4, however, Pope Francis also placed over the Order his own Special Delegate and “exclusive spokesman,” endowed de facto with full powers, in the person of Archbishop Angelo Becciu, Deputy Secretary of State [whereby the pope completely and unceremoniously - without as much as an excuse-me, much less a formal letter - obliterated the role of the nominal Patron of the Order, Cardinal Burke].

The letter is glaring proof of the exercise of these full powers.

In the name of the pope, Becciu prohibits the former Grand Master from taking part in the election of his successor. Not only that. He even forbids him to go to Rome on the occasion of the conclave.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 23/04/2017 00:12]