00 26/03/2017 16:47
March 24, 2017 headlines



March 25, 2017 headlines



The above photo, left, [the image on the right is one I cropped and enlarged from the left photo) comes from Religion Digital (rabid Bergoglian site in Spanish) about the pope's visit to three families in a Milan 'poor neighborhood' yesterday, March 25, but it is not captioned.
One assumes the pope used a portaloo set up for the crowds, but why would he have done that? OK, humility, man of the people, and all that, but he’s still the pope, and of course, even popes have to pee, but does it have to be so public?
1. Would it have not been far more ‘humble’- and completely 'unostentatious' - to have asked to use the bathroom in one of the apartments he visited?
2. Doesn’t his personal entourage have provisions for such emergencies, such as perhaps, a loo in one of the many vans that always accompany the pope, or at least, his valet should always have one of those convenient disposable pee-pouches available from any drugstore for just such emergencies?
3. But since he decided to use that very public facility, did he really leave the door open as it looks like in the photo? Why did his close-up security not close the door after him (there seem to be two of them) by the door, with one to block the window which was perfectly placed to frame the peeing pope?
4. In any case, I doubt there will ever be another photo like this in papal annals![/colore/

As I have missed at least two full days of posting, you can see how convenient these PewSitter and Canon212 headlines are to remind me what I have not done. And quite a few news items have piled up:
1. The two younger Fatima seers, siblings Francisco and Jacinta, will be canonized this year – very appropriately and opportunely, perhaps during the pope’s visit to Fatima on May 13, 2017 to mark the centenary of the Virgin’s first apparition to the three shepherd children.

Related to this is a new book published in Spain about the entire Fatima phenomenon but including a letter supposedly written by Sor Lucia, the oldest of the three seers (cousin to Francisco and Jacinta), in 1944, and said to constitute the ‘undisclosed’ portion of the Third Secret. This is not the first time that this apparently apocryphal text has appeared online – the hypothesis is that the Church has decided to suppress it because it speaks about an apostasy at the very summit of the Church, etc [which, IMHO, we are now witnessing, regardless of what the Third Secret, complete or incomplete, may have truly been.

Marco Tosatti – who has written a book about the Third Secret and its continuing ‘mystery’ - reported on this first print appearance of this apocrypha, supposedly well authenticated by the best handwriting experts, in the new book . and went to Spain for the book presentation, but the day after, he had to retract his belief in the authenticity of the letter. Antonio Socci, who has an even better-known book about the ‘untold’ part of the secret, promptly picked up to recount what is known and what is hypothesized so far about this untold part, which he calls the Fourth Secret.

2. A German Vaticanista’s claim that despite all the PR gloss, with the occasional ‘sweetness and light’ photos, the current pope and his predecessor are really not on good terms at all! The Vaticanista is Andreas Englisch, who has reported from Rome for BILD for more than three decades, gave a lecture in Limburg in which he claims that the rift originated early on, from the case of the former Bishop of Limburg, nicknamed Bishop of Bling by the media, whom Francis removed from his office and who was apparently defended by Benedict XVI (at the time, Mons. Gaenswein was very public that he thought the Bishop would be cleared of the accusations, especially the exaggerated ones). Englisch, who does not hide his partiality for Bergoglio, nonetheless volunteers his information – conjecture, if you will, but why would he say something that contradicts the official Bergoglian line? I have not checked out whether Englisch has followed up with an article that confirms what he said in the lecture.

3. Those DUBIA – more than seven months now since the Four Cardinals sent their letter to the Pope and to the CDF – remain unanswered, of course, by the only person whose answers matter for official purposes. Meanwhile, Chilean bishops who met with him recently on ad limina visit claim he told them that “his objective for convoking the family synods was not to authorize communion for remarried divorcees” – which some quarters are claiming means he has not authorized this at all. You don’t need any analysis to see that he was saying only what he said, literally – it is entirely different from saying “I have not authorized communion for remarried divorcees in any way” because otherwise he would have said so, and the Chilean bishops would have quoted him saying that. Besides, has he not already told the Buenos Aires bishops that their interpretation of AL – allowing communion with discernment/accompaniment/blahblahblah – was ‘perfect’?

Anyway, going on, at a church in Virginia on March 24, Cardinal Burke was asked what would the Four Cardinals do if the pope persists in not answering their DUBIA. Fr. Z has a brief videoclip in which, he notes, “The Cardinal answers that they would have to correct the situation in a manner that draws from the constant teaching of the Church on the issues raised by the dubia, and that this teaching would be made known for the good of souls. In other words, the Cardinals would issue a public restatement of the constant teaching of the Church in regard to the issues covered by the Five Dubia. Does this mean all four of the Four Cardinals? Cardinal Burke did not say, at least in the video clip, above.” Or, in short, Cardinal Burke and/or the three other cardinals will simply re-issue their DUBIA and answer them YES, NO, NO, NO AND NO, as they ought to be answered.

4. That messy Knights of Malta situation: Sandro Magister and Edward Pentin reveal more details about the 30million Swiss francs ‘anonymous’ donation to the Order in a deal that involves three of the persons named by the pope to investigate the circumstances behind the firing of Albrecht von Boeselager as Chancellor, and about which Grand Master Fra Festing – ordered by the pope to resign his post – knew nothing about. Now the latter says that the pope told him he would not object if Festing were re-elected Grand Master.
[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 07/04/2017 00:10]