00 12/11/2016 05:08
Thank you, Mr. Ferrara, for articulating so powerfully the starkly Manichaean choice that faced American voters earlier this week, and who and what the evil side was all about...

Trump wins as America
inches back from the abyss

by Christopher A. Ferrara

November 10, 2016

On November 8, 2016, whatever is left of the moral order in America was facing extinction upon the apparently imminent election of the most evil presidential candidate in American history, a staunch defender of the cold-blooded butchery of children at the very moment they are being born, for which she was promising a federal subsidy if elected.

The yawning abyss of the “final disaster” that Pope Leo XIII warned would be the inevitable fate of post-Christian civil society loomed before our nation.

As I pointed out in my debate with Alan Keyes, in the inscrutable designs of Providence the one major impediment preventing America’s descent into that abyss — the human element in the Catholic Church having surrendered long ago — was a real estate tycoon on his third “marriage,” a veritable embodiment of American crassness and vulgar excess.

This astonishing reality explains the perfect alignment of all the forces of darkness in our world against Donald J. Trump: the political establishment — including the Republican Party establishment; the globalist establishment, the financial establishment, the technology establishment, the mass media establishment, the cultural establishment, the Hollywood establishment.

Even the “music industry” establishment marched in the serried ranks of the Stop Trump axis of evil, or what John Rao has so aptly termed The Grand Coalition of the Status Quo.

Consider the almost preternatural spectacle of Lady Gaga in a Nazi-style uniform at one of the rock concerts Hillary staged to attract a crowd of Democrats to whom she could recite her empty blather, zombies who would have voted for her even if she had stomped a child to death on live TV.

This spectacularly odious woman is really rather pathetic at this stage in her life of crime, deceit and subversion, which in justice should culminate with a lengthy stay in a federal jail cell.

Hillary was never able to articulate a coherent rationale for her election because her entire program, like all evil, was merely the absence of good:
contraception, abortion, sodomy and the further expansion of a tyrannical secular state and its endless wars against the very enemies created by her own “foreign policy” and that of her establishment Republican predecessors.

By the way, it must not escape our notice that the very same forces that aligned against Trump have generally aligned in favor of Francis, praising him like no other Pope in Church history, while the sexual evils they promote relentlessly are the same ones Francis relentlessly labors to accommodate in the Church under the guise of “discernment” and “mercy” for those who cannot follow the “general rule” because of the “concrete complexity of one’s limits.”

Nor should we forget that the supposed wrongs Francis incessantly condemns tend to be the same as those trumpeted by the worldwide liberal hegemon, including “climate change,” the imaginary “epidemic of guns,” “social inequality” and “exclusion,” and the closing of national borders to illegal immigration and the flood of military-age Muslim male “refugees.”

The adoring media happily headlined Francis’s ham-fisted condemnation, only two days before the election, of “social and physical walls” that “close in some and exclude others” — the same day he invited Emma Bonino, Italy’s most notorious abortionist and “social justice warrior,” to the Vatican for another intimate meeting with the Pope.

The friend of socialist dictators and the foe of this year’s Republican candidate for President is a Pope according to Hillary’s needs, as she made clear during the abominable Al Smith Dinner when she lauded Francis’s “message about rejecting a mindset of hostility, his calls to reduce inequality, his warnings about climate change, his appeal that we build bridges not walls.”

But Trump has won the Presidency and America now inches back from the abyss where federally subsidized “partial-birth abortion,” federally imposed “gender equality” and “transgender rights,” and new levels of federal persecution of recusant Christians were all lurking, along with the prospect of the ultimate unwinnable war Hillary seemed determined to provoke with Russia, the imaginary source of all her woes respecting Trump.

Trump’s commitment to appoint Scalia-style judicial conservatives to the Supreme Court bench alone compelled a vote for him, even if judicial conservatism in America amounts to little more than deference to legislative and electoral majorities.

Those majorities are still capable of imposing severe limits on the scourge of abortion (limits that will now be upheld if they arrive at the Court) and rolling back other gains of the dictatorship of relativism imposed by the Court’s 5-4 liberal majority, including the imposition of “gay marriage” on the fifty states in the Obergefell and Windsor decisions.

Then there are Trump’s remarkable promises to seek repeal of the Johnson Amendment and guarantee school choice, including homeschooling, while abolishing Common Core and returning control of education to the localities. As to these issues, the Catholic’s duty to mitigate harm to the common good through the democratic process has certainly been fulfilled by a vote for Trump.

But even if President Trump keeps only a fraction of his promises, the two most important mitigations have already been achieved: Hillary Clinton has been defeated and Trump’s victory has led to that rarity of Republican control over all three branches of the federal government.

The latter outcome drastically reduces, if it does not eliminate, the prospect of further social and moral subversion at the federal level. And in that regard let us not forget that it was a Republican Congress and a Republican President who enacted the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which enabled the several states to refuse to recognize “gay marriages” enacted in other states, but which SCOTUS struck down in one of the 5-to-4 decisions (Windsor) that will likely be reversed if DOMA or something like it is reenacted under Trump.

The almost miraculous outcome of this election, propelled by an astonishing populist movement against virtually all the powers that be, which I never thought possible, has restored my faith in the capacity of the American people for moral regeneration, even if the movement represents only the barest of first steps toward a social metanoia the Church alone can bring to fruition.

The sight of thousands of my fellow Americans assembling in the middle of a cold Michigan night only hours before the election to lend their support to the leader of that movement has reawakened in me a sentiment that should reside in the breast of every Catholic: a love of country as the fatherland, even if our own country is saddled by the political invention of deistic, Enlightenment-bred revolutionaries.

Finally, no matter what Trump achieves as President, if nothing else the seemingly impossible success of the movement that got him elected has accomplished a great and enduring good for the nation: it has exposed as laughable, posturing frauds, never to be taken seriously again, the pseudo-sages of the political class and the pseudo-journalists of the media, with their biased “coverage,” their liberal agitprop disguised as “analysis,” and their phony polls and data models, deceptively weighted and twisted to “predict” whatever outcome they desire.

It is no exaggeration to say that Trump has somehow managed to overthrow politics as usual in America by stripping the self-anointed Fourth Estate of its cloak of respectability and reducing it to an impuissant laughingstock. How long that effect will last is uncertain. But that it has occurred is beyond doubt.

Some will call me naïve. Others will say that I am deluded, especially in view of what I have written before about the American political scene (it will be easy to mine my prior articles for “self-contradictions”). But I believe that I am merely appropriately hopeful in the face of a completely unexpected development, no doubt assisted by Providence, that runs counter to the entire workings of the two-party system and its Ministry of Propaganda.

And what is wrong with a little hope in the midst of all this darkness?

Our Lady, Patroness of the Americas, intercede for us!

Thanks to Mundabor, who is understandably jubilant - having shilled enthusiastically for Trump all these months while coming up with ever new insults for Hillary Clinton - for noticing this beautiful and powerful essay which was posted as a comment on THE LAST REFUGE, a conservative website. It was written by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

Greenfield starts out with the statement that was the unstated corollary to my objection to the widespread use of the word 'upset' for Trump's election win. REVOLUTION - THAT IS WHAT HAS HAPPENED - and I noted with appreciation how Martha McCallum at Fox News started using the word to describe the event the day after the election.

This wasn’t an election -
It was a revolution

by Daniel Greenfield

It’s midnight in America. The day before, fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them.

They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore. They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care. They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries. They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves. They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns. They took a deep breath and they stood.

They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped.

The Great Blue Wall crumbled. The impossible states fell one by one. Ohio. Wisconsin. Pennsylvania. Iowa. The white working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet. It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.

They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing. They fought back against a system in which they could go to jail for a trifle while the elites could violate the law and still stroll through a presidential election. They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say. They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families.

They fought and they won.

This wasn’t a vote. It was an uprising. Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been. And how much stronger they were than they had ever known.

Who were these people? They were leftovers and flyover country. They didn’t have bachelor degrees and had never set foot in a Starbucks. They were the white working class. They didn’t talk right or think right. They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered.

They were wrong about everything. Illegal immigration? Everyone knew it was here to stay. Black Lives Matter? The new civil rights movement. Manufacturing? As dead as the dodo. Banning Muslims? What kind of bigot even thinks that way? Love wins. Marriage loses. The future belongs to the urban metrosexual and his dot com, not the guy who used to have a good job before it went to China or Mexico.

They couldn’t change anything. A thousand politicians and pundits had talked of getting them to adapt to the inevitable future. Instead they got in their pickup trucks and drove out to vote.

And they changed everything.

Barack Hussein Obama boasted that he had changed America. A billion regulations, a million immigrants, a hundred thousand lies and it was no longer your America. It was his.

He was JFK and FDR rolled into one. He told us that his version of history was right and inevitable.

And they voted and left him in the dust. They walked past him and they didn’t listen. He had come to campaign to where they still cling to their guns and their bibles. He came to plead for his legacy.

And America said, “No.”

Fifty millions Americans repudiated him. They repudiated the Obamas and the Clintons. They ignored the celebrities. They paid no attention to the media. They voted because they believed in the impossible. And their dedication made the impossible happen.

Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories.

It was all impossible. And fifty million Americans did the impossible. They turned the world upside down.

It’s midnight in America. CNN is weeping. MSNBC is wailing. ABC calls it a tantrum. NBC damns it. It wasn’t supposed to happen. The same machine that crushed the American people for two straight terms, the mass of government, corporations and non-profits that ran the country, was set to win.

Instead the people stood in front of the machine. They blocked it with their bodies. They went to vote even though the polls told them it was useless. They mailed in their absentee ballots even while Hillary Clinton was planning her fireworks victory celebration. They looked at the empty factories and barren farms. They drove through the early cold. They waited in line. They came home to their children to tell them that they had done their best for their future. They bet on America. And they won.

They won improbably. And they won amazingly.

They were tired of ObamaCare. They were tired of unemployment. They were tired of being lied to. They were tired of watching their sons come back in coffins to protect some Muslim country. They were tired of being called racists and homophobes. They were tired of seeing their America disappear.

And they stood up and fought back. This was their last hope. Their last chance to be heard.

Watch this video. See ten ways John Oliver destroyed Donald Trump. Here’s three ways Samantha Bee broke the internet by taunting Trump supporters. These three minutes of Stephen Colbert talking about how stupid Trump is owns the internet. Watch Madonna curse out Trump supporters. Watch Katy Perry. Watch Miley Cyrus. Watch Robert Downey Jr. Watch Beyonce campaign with Hillary. Watch. Click.

Watch fifty million Americans take back their country.

The media had the election wrong all along. This wasn’t about personalities. It was about the impersonal. It was about fifty million people whose names no one except a server will ever know fighting back. It was about the homeless woman guarding Trump’s star. It was about the lost Democrats searching for someone to represent them in Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was about the union men who nodded along when the organizers told them how to vote, but who refused to sell out their futures.

No one will ever interview all those men and women. We will never see all their faces. But they are us and we are them. They came to the aid of a nation in peril. They did what real Americans have always done. They did the impossible.

America is a nation of impossibilities. We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. Not from kings or tyrants. Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done.

The day when we stop being able to pull off the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist.

Today is not that day. Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.

Midnight has passed. A new day has come. And everything is about to change.

And now, Mundabor's take on how the Republican standard-bearers fearlessly took up the anti-abortion challenge as no candidates before them ever had...

The exit polls I read around all indicate that Trump has won the Catholic vote (no, I am not talking of the judases with the same name, and may they sink in the irrelevance they richly deserved).

If you ask me, the reason for this is not to be found in his (weak) anti-homo stance, or in his defence of religious liberty and the consequence for Catholic organisations and religious orders in case of abolition of Obamacare. Whilst these factors probably played a role in some way, I do not think they were decisive. The decisive factor was, if you ask me, abortion.

Very bravely, Trump and Pence chose to “obsess” about abortion. In time, more and more tepid Catholics were forced to confront their conscience, and decide that the unborn child was more deserving of their vote than their wallet or their personal (dis)likings.

This seems to me to confirm a concept I have often expressed in the past: most Catholics are now like scattered sheep, unable and too lazy to follow their mediocre pastors. But at some level they still know what is what, and they know that truth can't change. Once constantly confronted with the reality of Catholic teaching vigorously defended, slowly but surely many of them start to move in the right direction.

Catholicism is unique in this: that whoever start to defend it vocally does not have to reinvent or reshape anything. It is no novelty like a “New Labour” or “Reaganomics”, that must be developed, justified, tested. It's there, beautifully immutable, ready for use and with no need of justification. You don't have to persuade people that it works. It is enough to inform them that it exists. It is an all-encompassing, ready-to-use religious system with vast ramifications in the economic and social sphere. It's an all-you-can-eat buffet ready for use, and available for free.

Trump and Pence used the buffet, and took from it a big portion of abortion and a side of religious freedom and persecuted nuns. And it worked spectacularly well, because shattered as they are, enough sheep were smart enough to listen to the improbable shepherds rather than to the poppycock of the “glass ceiling” and the criminal lesbian witch thinking it is enough to cry “Vaginas of the world, unite!”.

Trump and Pence chose to do exactly what Pope Francis so despised: they “obsessed about abortion” with a frankness unthinkable for most political personnel only a decade or two ago, and not frequently found even among US bishops. They exposed the cowardice and complicity with the Enemy of Francis and his socialist ilk. They showed that when a couple of willing – if imperfect – pastors show up, the sheep start to respond pretty fast.

Shame on you, Francis, lewd promoter of everything that is evil. The Trump Train rode all over you, and millions of Catholics now realise what a phony you are.

Millions now realise that even a Donald Trump, with all his much-publicised shortcomings, is way more Catholic than the Pope. [Q.E.D.]

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 12/11/2016 05:40]