00 08/04/2015 06:15

What is the world coming to? Between a US President who, it turns out, is a closet Muslim and increasingly bigoted against Christians (though he professes to be Christian) and a UN climate chief who says that 'global warming' - the most monumental liberal hoax - should be solved by 'reducing population increases'? I won't bother posting on Obama's latest anti-Christian indulgence, but what the UN climate chief says deserves notice. Obama will be gone and powerless in two years, but the UN will march onward indefinitely to dictate more and more what countries and peoples should do... [BTW, PewSitter chose a rather diabolical-looking image of the UN lady chief!]

UN Climate Chief:
We should ‘make every effort’ to reduce population increases
'Today we are already exceeding the planet's carrying capacity'

By Michael Bastasch

April 6, 2015

United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres said humanity “really should make every effort” to reduce global population trends to protect the environment and fight global warming, in an interview with Climate One.

[Figueres (born 1956) has been Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change since May 2010. Daughter of a three-time President of Costa Rica and sister to another President, she worked for the Costa Rican government first as a diplomat then as a minister for various development programs. In 1995, she founded the Latin American Center for Sustainable Development, at a time when she also became an international negotiator for the UN Convention for Climate Change, providing critical international strategy for achieving developing country support and approval of the Kyoto Protocol and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). And on and on.. Her biodata shows someone obsessed with environmentalism...]

The U.N. predicts the global population will number 9 billion people by 2050 — a number that makes many environmentalists worry. Climate One Founder Greg Dalton pressed Figueres on whether or not she thinks there are policies to reduce the 9 billion 2050 estimate.

“I mean we all know that we expect nine billion, right, by 2050,” Figueres told Dalton in an interview. “So, yes, obviously less people would exert less pressure on the natural resources.”

Indeed, the U.N. has warned that food and water resources will be stretched thin as the global population booms. A recent U.N. report on water argued that the world would only be able to meet 60 percent of its water needs in 15 years because of population and economic growth. The U.N. said countries will have to increase water prices or recycling programs to accommodate more people.

The U.N. argued in 2013 that more people should eat insects for protein and help the environment by reducing the demand for traditional meats from cows, chickens and pigs.

“Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint,” the U.N. reported.

“So is nine billion a forgone conclusion?” Dalton asked. “That’s like baked in, done, no way to change that?”

Figueres responded: “We can definitely change those numbers and really should make every effort to change those numbers because we are already, today, already exceeding the planet’s planetary carrying capacity. To say nothing of adding more population - that is really going to overextend our capacity. So yes we should do everything possible.”

“But we cannot fall into the very simplistic opinion of saying just by curtailing population then we’ve solved the problem. It is not either/or, it is an and/also,” Figueres added.

For decades, environmental activists have been suggesting the world has too many people. White House science czar John Holdren argued in the 1970s that governments needed to take measures to reduce population or suffer ecological calamity.

Calls for population controls cooled in the 1980s and 90s after predictions of ecological collapse from overpopulation failed to materialize. But in recent years, some have been pushing for the use of birth control to keep birth rates down in developing countries.

Former Vice President Al Gore and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have said “fertility management” was the key to fighting global warming.

“Depressing the rate of child mortality, educating girls, empowering women and making fertility management ubiquitously available … is crucial to the future shape of human civilization,” Gore said at the World Economic Forum last winter.

[Note the new term 'fertility management' for 'population control'!]

Ironically, the U.N.’s chief demographer has said reducing global population increases will have little to no impact on global warming. John Wilmoth said that while there is “relatively little uncertainty” in population growth estimates over the next century, but there is “complete uncertainty” population will have little effect on carbon emissions.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 08/04/2015 06:45]