00 31/10/2009 17:43

Papal initiative was not about
imposing dominion on Anglicans
and will not hurt ecumenism,
says prominent Anglican theologian

Interview by Salvatore Mazza
Translated from

October 30, 2009

LONDON - Benedict XVI's initiative to accommodate Anglicans who may wish to rejoin the Church of Rome demonstrates 'imagination not opportunism', says John Milbank, a noted theologian not just in the Anglican world but in all of the non-Catholic Christian confessions.

"I believe the Pope has wider aims in mind than just bringing back a number of Anglicans under his 'dominion'."

Professor of religion, politics and ethics at the University of Nottingham, Milbank was quoted soon after the election of Benedict XVI to have exclaimed, "I hope that under this Pope, the unity of Christians will be re-established".

"I am not sure if I said it that way," he clarifies, "but very likely, I said that with this Pope, Christians can begin finding their unity again. I believe this because his theology, which develops new theology in the integration of reason and faith, is greatly fascinating for Orthodox and Anglican tradition."

What do you think of this (latest) initiative by Benedict XVI?
I think it is remarkable. In the first place, because it acknowledges a certain value and validity in the Anglican tradition.

And consequently, it shows an acknowledgment that Catholicism can be expressed validly in cultural diversity.

Third, because it creates a specific circumstance which allows married priests, a practice which lives on in the Greek Orthodox tradition from their past.

And finally, because it shows the Pope correctly believes that there is a new potential today to reunite Christians under the Pontiff's authority.

So you do not consider it an 'aggressive' action...
No, certainly not. Rather I think it is a 'creative' act, even if I am sorry for the embarrassment it caused the Archbishop of Canterbury, who nevertheless has responded positively, since he is able to see that in the long run, this is good for all Christians.

Is it possible, as some speculate, that there will be a 'hemorrhaging' of Anglicans?
That's difficult to know. It could have such an effect in North America. But in Great Britain, Anglicanism is so closely linked to institutions and parishes that if only for legal reasons, it will not be easy to transfer them to the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church.

And many will continue to be reluctant to leave a parochial system much more rooted in day to day life compared to the British Catholic parishes.

Do you think this development could help the Anglican Communion in the difficult time it is undergoing?
Of course, it will help many persons singularly. Beyond that, I think ti will contribute to create a new space of 'fluidity' between Anglicanism adn Catholicism.

It is possible that a great part of the Anglicans who are closest to Catholicism will leave, which would then orient the Anglican Communion much more towards Protestantism than it already is.

But I don't think this will happen right away, for the reasons I have mentioned, and also because many Anglicans who feel close to Catholicism, including Rowan Williams himself, now accept the ordination of women.

Italians would be very surprised to know how many Anglicans - again, with Williams among them - agree with the Pope on practically every theological and ecclesiological issue, including the Catholic stand on sexuality and the concept of gender, even if they believe that women should be allowed to become priests. And I am one of them.

Can the ecumenical dialog draw any benefit from this situation?
I think so, precisely because of that new 'fluidity'. The
uniate Anglicans' - let us call them that for convenience - can be a bridge between Anglicans and Catholics.

But I also think that one of the consequences of this situation risks raising a paradox, because in the long term, it may encourage more discussion about women priests in the Catholic Church.

For example, I have been impressed by how some very young Catholics who consider themselves conservative have not minded receiving Communion from Anglican women priests. [But that does not have any sacramental validity for Catholics, does it? I'd say these young Catholics perhaps need better catechesis.]

But making forecasts is never easy. For now, let us simply welcome this move by the Pope who is demonstrating imagination, not opportunism. This unilateral act has truly opened a new space for inter-confessional communication.