00 16/03/2013 20:51

Paparatzifan/Gloria's loving
farewell to our Papa Bene

Gloria has assembled the pictures she took in Rome when she was there February 26-28 to take in the last public events of our beloved Benedict, along with her remarks...
The photos are remarkable... One cannot look at them and not be engulfed anew by all the bittersweetness of nostalgia, and real, painful, physical longing for him to be still 'virtually' accessible to us daily through news reports and pictures.. In short, it all gave rise to a fresh flood of tears that always leaves me devastated and dysfunctional for some time...

Before I proceed to reduce all of Gloria's photos from large format for reproduction here, I chose the following 'crops' that she thoughtfully provided from the larger photos which she took when the Popemobile was near enough her to photograph him this way... He is so heartbreakingly beautiful, and he truly looks 'youthened' by the affection of the faithful acclaiming him....