00 23/02/2013 23:19

Father Z, who has used the special banner above since the announcement, has come up with the nicest whimsy - the first that really brought on a smile from me - since the great shock of February 11.

Write this to your local cardinal
and all the cardinals gathering in Rome...

Oh, if only... But of course it won't happen! The interested party has placed himself hors de combat for good reason.
But if I were Cardinal Meisner or Cardinal Bertone or Cardinal Schoenborn, any of those who consider themselves close to Benedict XVI, I would write JOSEPH RATZINGER on the first balloting when the gesture would not be bound to affect the voting in any way... I desperately want some historic gesture like that to be registered at the 2013 Conclave...

In any case, though it's five days too early before it is all formal:

We will keep the fires of love burning for you
with our continuing prayers and undying Benaddiction.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 23/02/2013 23:43]