00 24/01/2013 08:46
??? Rebuke of Battista's article
I understand the main point of the rebuke... but as a citizen of one of the northern, glacier nations I wonder:

Battista says in effect: Non-negotiable principles are a colossal annoyance because they hinder the modernization and Europeanization of an over-aged Italy which has been Catholic and Papist too long. Whereas all this time, strong para-Masonic powers wish to make of the Bel Paese (beautiful country) a glacial and inhuman land similar to the efficient and very clean Lutheran nations of northern Europe, where the trains run on time, the hospitals function, everyone pays taxes, people get drunk on Friday but by turns (so someone can drive the car home) – and suicides are increasing visibly, out of desperation in a life that is bereft of any sense of the transcendent.

For example: There is a place called Bavaria which is the generates a huge economical output and is quite well off financially.
It's organised, clean, efficient, hardly infected by corruption, filled with lots of rational tax paying workaholics.
But!! It is traditional, warm, open minded but firm; confident and filled with a special sense of humor and joy!

Success and Catholicism combined is possible!
It is clear that people are not living their lives with the catechism under their pillows, but the erosion of morals hasn't been as successful here as elsewhere.
The Bavarian state government is the most conservative one in all of Germany.

Granting questionable 'rights' has nothing to do with the advancement of a nation!
It's structure, discipline and political stability which will help!
Sometimes a touch of rationality helps as well.
Since when do Lutherans have the monopoly on that!?

It's very easy blaming the stagnation of your nation on 'fundamentalist religious values'.
It's easy, polemic and, if repeated often enough, will be accepted by the masses as true.
History always repeats itself!

But! Dividing Europe into a glacier north and happy go lucky south is extremely simplistic!

Thank you for your passionate but very rational and helpful presentation, and especially, for bringing up the Bavarian model of Catholicism/conservatism-cum-success. It is something that needs to be pointed out to Both Battista and Palmaro, and other Italians who abide by these North-South cliches which they tend to use like a crutch.


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 24/01/2013 12:14]