00 16/10/2009 14:04

Friday, Oct. 16

ST. MARGUERITE D'YOUVILLE (Canada, 1701-1771)
Widow and
Founder, Institute of the Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns)

She bore six children, four of whom died, and took care
of her husband who was a drunk and gambler until he died.
Canonized 1990. John Paul II called her
'Mother of Universal Charity'

OR today.

Working groups at the Synodal assembly present reports on their discussions this week, underscoring the lights
and shadows on the African scene. Other Page 1 stories: Recent Taliban attacks in Pakistan; US military may need
at least 80,000 more troops in Afghanistan; new report on millions of children suffering hunger in the Horn of Africa.
In the inside pages, two essays on Caritas in veritate - one by Cardinal Agostino Valli for a recent symposium
in Milan on facing the economic crisis with CIV; and the other, written by Gujarati Mons. Thomas Menamparampil
for Mondo e Missione; and the new statement by the US bishops conference protesting yet again that healthcare
reforms pending in Congress do not specifically prohibit use of federal funds to pay for abortions.


The Holy Father met today with:

- Prince Albert II of Monaco and delegation

- Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

- Mons. Angelo Becciu, Apostolic Nuncio in Cuba

- Mme. Yulia Vladimirovna Timoshenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine, and delegation

The Vatican released two texts today:

- The Pope's message to Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization,
on the occasion of World Food Day today.

- The message from the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialog to the Hindus of the world for
the annual observance of Diwali, the Hindu Feast of Lights.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 16/10/2009 21:32]