00 19/07/2012 17:36

Thursday, July 19, 15th Week in Ordinary Time

ST. SYMACCHUS(b Sardinia), 51st Pope (498-514)
Born in Sardinia, he was baptized in Rome where he became Arch-Deacon under Pope Anastasius II. An anti-pope, Laurentius, was elected the same day by a minority with Byzantine sympathies and with the support of Roman Emperor Anastasius. But the Visigoth King Theodoric the Great supported Symmachus who ascended to the throne. The schism with Laurentius continued for years, with continuous intrigue and forgeries to support one side or the other. In 501, Senator Festus, a supporter of Laurentius, accused Symmachus of assorted crimes, including being unchaste and misusing his office. The Pope refused to answer the charges and claimed that secular rulers had no jurisdiction over a Pope. At one point Theodoric installed the anti-pope in the Lateran Palace and proclaimed him the legal pontiff. But the emperor later decided that Laurentius was too Byzantine, and had him removed. A Synodus Palmaris of all bishops in October 502 decided to dismiss all the charges against Symmachus on the ground that only God could judge him. During all the turmoil, Symacchus was not idle. He took severe measures against the Manichæans, ordered the burning of their books, and expelled them from the city. He erected or restored and adorned various churches in Rome. He also built asylums for the poor near the three churches of St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Laurence. He contributed large sums to support the Catholic bishops of Africa who were persecuted by the rulers of the Arian Vandals. He also aided the inhabitants of the provinces of upper Italy who suffered severely from the invasion of the barbarians. After his death he was buried at St. Peter's.
Readings for today's Mass:


No bulletins about the Holy Father.

Statement on FSSPX publication
of Vatican proposal for
their canonical status
in the event of reconciliation

July 19, 2012

The Vatican has released the following statement:

The recently concluded General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X has addressed a Declaration regarding the possibility of a canonical normalization in the relationship of the Fraternity and the Holy See. While it has been made public, the Declaration remains primarily an internal document for study and discussion among the members of the Fraternity.

The Holy See has taken note of this Declaration, but awaits the forthcoming official Communication of the Priestly Fraternity, as their dialogue with the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" continues.

In the absence of any news today other than the FSSPX statement and the Vatican reaction to it, you may want to sccroll up to near the top of this page to read a translation of the interview given by Mons. Mueller, the new CDF Prefect, to his (and the Pope's) regional newspaper, Mittelbayerische.



[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 20/07/2012 01:23]