00 25/09/2009 14:38

Friday, Sept. 25

ST. ELZEAR (1285-1323) & BLESSED DELPHINE (1284-1358), France
Lay Franciscan married couple who kept a vow of chastity
and were legendary for their daily works of charity.

OR today.

Papal stories in today's issue besides the routine announcements
are two inside-page stories on the Pope's trip to the Czech Republic
tomorrow. There are also four items related to a new book on John
Paul II, Un Papa che non muore. L'eredità di Giovanni Paolo II,
by the journalist who co-wrote Cardinal Dsiwisz's memoir A Life
with Karol
. The editor's choice for Page 1 stories are a textbook
illustration of meaningless political correctness
, namely: The United
Nations sets off on a course of multilateralism [it's multilateral by
; at the Security Council, the time has come for nuclear
disarmament[even as the UN has been helpless to stop North Korea
and Iran from developing nuclear weapons]
; the IMF reminds the G20
nations meeting in Pittsburgh that the crisis is not over; and UN
secretary-general may call another summit on climate change before
the major Copenhagen conference in December [they just had one
this week in New York! - how does one more summit before then help?]


The Holy Father met today with yet another group of Brazilian bishops
(from the northeast sector) on ad limina visit. Address in Portuguese.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 25/09/2009 14:59]