00 18/09/2009 13:28

Friday, Sept. 18

ST. GIUSEPPE DA COPERTINO (Italy, 1603-1663)
[Joseph of Cupertino]
Franciscan Mystic, Confessor
He was known to levitate during prayer
and on several occasions, 'flew'.
The most famous levitation occurred
during an audience with Pope Urban VIII
(engraving above)

OR today.

Papal stories in today's issue: The Pope prays for the six Italian soldiers killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan; his visit to
the Vatican Observatory on Wednesday; his address to the bishops of northeast Brazil; and his audience with the Grand Duke of
Luxembourg. Other Page 1 stories: President Obama scales down missile defense system and Russia hails decision; Yemeni air force
kill 90 in raid on a refugee camp; and the World Bank says a billion people are now suffering from chronic hunger.


The Holy Father met today with
- Bishops of Brazil, Northeast Sector, Group 5, on ad-limina visit
- Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk, President of the department for External Church Relations of
the Patriarchate of Moscow.
and this afternoon with
- Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and president of the Italian bishops' conference (CEI).

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 19/09/2011 16:54]