00 19/11/2010 19:24

Vatican-based Ratzinger-B16 Foundation
to be presented on Nov. 26

VATICAN CITY, Nov, 19 (Translated from ASCA) - A foundation dedicated to propagating the thought of Benedict XVI has been established at the Vatican, similar to the Joseph Ratzinger-Papst Benedikt XVI Stiftung established in Germany in November 2008 by the members of the Ratzinger Schuelerkreis.

The Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI will be presented at a news conference on Friday, Nov, 26. by its president, Mons. Giuseppe Scotti, president of the Vatican publishing house LEV, and adjunct secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

Cardinal Camillo Ruini, former president of the Italian bishops' conference and a renowned theologian himself, will head the Foundation's scientific committee.

The Vatican-based Foundation has seed money of 1.6 million euros from the royalties earned by Volume 1 of JESUS OF NAZARETH. Since 2005, the Vatican publishing house holds all editorial and publishing rights to the works of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Royalties from the Pope's writings go to various charities and causes endorsed by him.

Additional information from the JR-B16 Stiftung:

The Munich-based German foundation has the following objectives:
1. Research and promotion of the theology of Joseph Ratzinger-Pope Benedict XVI through symposia, seminars and other presentations of his theology
2. Promotion of theology in his spirit, particularly through guest professorships and stipends for scholars in Biblical studies, Patristics and Fundamental Theology
3. Safeguarding his scientific work and spiritual legacy, particularly through a documentation and research center
4. Presentation of his theology and spirituality to the general public through modern communications technology

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 19/11/2010 19:30]