00 01/11/2010 13:11
Don Camillo
Well, Don Camillo was certainly one of a kind. And MUCH in need of Devine scolds.

The reference to men feeling slighted and feminism taking over in the Church is very realistic - I can completely attest to that.
At least in Germany - where girls are outnumbering boys as Altar servers, where girls perform better in every aspect of life and boys are generally instructed to accept the fact that girls are superior. Where Parish councils are dominated and controlled by women of a certain kind.
It's not that I'm a wall flower, but some of those women are the most scary, dominant, power hungry creatures you'll ever meet.

The German speaking Bishop Conferences are notoriously inclined to strive for independence from overly repressive, old-fashioned, backwards Rome. Surely their philosophy is superior and their ideas are revolutionary and more pastoral, and so much better than those ancient thoughts and 'rules' which are not livable by and applicable to modern man with all his hardships and struggles of a changing society.

It's a typical example of the arrogance of intellectuals in the German speaking part of Europe (which includes Bishops).
Their own thought is clearly superior to anybody else's and Rime is clearly out of touch with reality!!

If I was 'Rome', I would have lost my patience with them a LONG time ago!!

THANKS A LOT, HEIKE, for giving the context for that remark the cardinal made about women. It's certainly unusual - perhaps only in Germany? - and I could not figure it out by myself, but now it makes sense. German Catholic men should take comfort in that these bossy women will never be priests, at least not in the Catholic Church. Not now - and hopefully, not ever!


[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 01/11/2010 16:42]