00 14/06/2009 15:40

June 14
Corpus Domini
celebrated today in Italy
and many other countries

St. Albert Chmielowski (Poland, 1845-1916)
Jesuit and Painter
Founder of the Albertines (Gray Brothers and Gray Sisters)

OR today.

In annual meeting with the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontefice Foundation,
the Holy Father speaks about his coming encyclical:
'A free and fraternal society'
Other Page 1 stories: A front-page review of the new Italian volume of Joseph Ratzinger's writings,
Eulogy of conscience; and President Ahmadinejad is declared reelected by a landslide as thousands
protest in Tehran streets alleging electoral fraud. In the inside pages, two stories on Pius XII - one on
the presentation of OR editor Vian's book In difesa di Pio XII, and another on an exhibition in Milan
on 'The image of Pius XII in contemporary art' from June 15 to July 18.


Angelus today - The Holy Father gives a mini-homily on Corpus Domini, and after the prayer,
calls on the United nations in its forthcoming development summit to take appropriate measures
towards equitable distribution of the world's resources and decision-making powers in dealing
with the global economic crisis.

[Modificato da TERESA BENEDETTA 14/06/2009 15:41]